Okay let’s try this again.
What could have falsified evolution?
Let’s look at one of the main claims of common descent. We had pretty much the main phylogenic relationships worked out from the large number of fossils alone. Something like this let’s say:

And then common descent had a HUGE chance to be falsified when we began sequencing genomes. If these trees were garbage, then the genes would tell us! But alas, despite a few small surprises, the phylogenic organization based upon fossils matches that of genes. And not only that, but genes match much greater than they have to in order to produce similar function. Here is an example of what I am referring to:
Humans do not have to be anywhere close to chimipanzees in terms of our DNA, but out of the parts that can be compared, we share 95%+ of that. That is not a requirement for similar function at all.
Common descent would have been completely falsified if we found that was the case with the human genome vs. other primates… but it wasn’t.
A lack of actual fossils would have falsified evolution. But most pretend such fossils do not exist and the lie that there are no ‘transitional fossils is hogwash.’ Here is one of my favorites:

About 200 million years old we literally see what would later become known as the mammalian jaw structure side by side with the reptilian structure!
Fossils out of order- that would falsify evolution as well!
You come in here and make the claim with no merit whatsoever:
I think one problem that a lot of us have is that we are simply unaware of the fossil record. @Bill_II has already pointed out that from the eras we do have mammalian fossils, they appear in particular orders–like ‘we don’t see any Elephants in the Jurrasic’–that’s a nice one Bill! Speaking of elephants, here for example is something we see with what later became elephant feet (but these fossils don’t appear until ~60 million years):

You actually would falsify evolution if traits/genes do not appear in nested hierarchies. That was the point of the feathers on humans. Instead what we see are several atavisms and once functional genes (like the vitamin C producing GULO) that can appear but only because evolution does not make large leaps and bounds generation by generation.
I’ve already explained several mechanisms behind this beyond ‘random mutations’ that apparently you just ignored. If you were taking it seriously then you would have adjusted your falsification list by now.