Christmas Trees, Pagans & Jeremiah

Interesting! Thank you for sharing.

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The person on my Facebook brought to light the fact that Jeremiah persecuted pagans. I wasn’t well-informed on the history regarding that situation.

I have been told that Jesus birth most likely did not happen in December. The description of the situation fits better to autumn.

I used to be doubtful about celebrating Jesus birth at a time that was probably not his birthday. Then I got a son in summer. During his birthday, most of his friends were on holidays somewhere else. We started to celebrate his birthday about five weeks later, when his friends had returned and could come to his party. No problems, nice birthdays although they were not at the official birth date.

We could celebrate the birth of Christ any day of the year. It is a great reminder of what God gave us.

All Christmas habits are not very Christian as they have been adopted from pagan culture. Christmas tree is most likely a christian symbol, I have no problems with it. A regional habit is having a ham on Christmas dinner table. A buttock of a pig is hardly a good symbol of the birth of Christ - not my favorite.

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The church got the December 25 date by assuming the date of the annunciation (March 25) and counting forward 9 months.
Fun Fact: JRR Tolkien was a devout Catholic. In the Lord of the Rings series, the evil ring is destroyed on March 25, the feast of the annunciation.


Language is a form of symbols in that symbols represent something – words represent something. A Christmas tree or a flag or a word represents something. The relative power of something that is real can be observed by how often the real something adopts the symbols of other things and makes the adopted symbol its own. In the Bible YHWH adopts symbols used for pagan deities to describe certain attributes belonging to Him rather than to the pagan deity. Examples: Most High, Cloud Rider, Lord, God of gods, God of heavens, Almighty, God of Hosts, etc. These were words used to describe pagan deities. That Christianity overtakes pagan symbols/words and remakes them as representative of Christianity demonstrates superior power and truth. The spring festival of Easter is the best example. Rabbits and eggs are no longer announcing springtime but the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Christmas trees, Santa, gift giving are all symbols of the gift God gave to the world. Name the pagan deity that the tree once represented? I doubt you can. It is Asherah. Who is that? See, Christ is victorious!

I think you are a tad confused.

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