I’m a homeschool dad of 7 and an entrepreneur. My last startup was something I founded and grew for 4 years and then sold for $750K. I’m now onto a new, bigger startup venture. But, I also have a desire to help kids learn entrepreneurship. I love helping my kids (even the young ones) learn how to think entrepreneurially. Such an important skill!
And, I love the Lord and am serving as an elder in my local church. I desire to see kids learn to work hard and use their God given working ability to glorify him.
I’m considering using my background and skills to put together an online entrepreneurship program for kids. The goal would be be:
- To teach kids how to think entrepreneurially
- To show how we are created to work hard and honor God with our labor
- To gives kids practical ideas for starting their own micro businesses (even young kids)
The format would be:
- weekly fun and engaging video lesson
- project based homework (putting it into practice)
- for older or more advanced students, recommendations of additional articles, videos & case studies
I’m looking to get some feedback about the interest level & preferences for something like this. If you have an interest I’d appreciate your input on this survey:
LinkedIn Profile: linkedin.com/in/markalanbaker