The sign of Jonah was made up by Jesus as we all deconstruct and make up typologies from ancient literature; He saw Himself throughout the TaNaKh, He was right for the wrong reason, and/or wrong for the right reason. There is absolute certainty that it is excellent philosophical and theological fiction. God or no God, the Jonah fantasy did not happen. 30 years ago it was gospel for me. Losing it to literature and the re-development of civilized thinking didn’t come as a loss, unlike the unbearable loss of the Pericope Adulterae.
It’s all deeply subjective.
I see your pain in trying to know God philosophically without Jesus: it can’t be done as we both know.
And I’ve had numinous and extremely… coincidental experiences, but no Gideon’s fleece. So the Spirit has to testify harder in my case now. And I’ve asked.
The trinity doesn’t work for me any more as God the Son is a back projection too far. Jesus works theoretically as a human-divine natured hybrid, but not in any atonement theory I’ve ever come across, apart from mine. I like the outrageousness regardless, but our milages vary.
His way I know. What I want is Him. I can’t have Him.