C. S. Lewis was an Ulster Irish gentleman who became a Christian after a long conversation with J.R.R. Tolkien, a friend and fellow instructor at Oxford. After reading a book entitled Mere Theology, I wanted to quote Rev. Vaus, the author of the book, to show some of the views that Lewis had in relation to theistic evolution. The author writes:
Lewis makes it clear in The Problem of Pain that he believes that animals existed long before people. This is one of the tenets he accepts from the evolutionists. For Lewis, this does not conflict with the biblical teaching about the creation of the first human beings or the creation days of Genesis 1. Remember that for Lewis, the early chapters of Genesis are told in the form of a folk tale. Therefore it could be argued that Lewis viewed the creation days of Genesis 1 as a literary framework rather than viewing them as six twenty-four hour days. According to Lewis, the Bible does not limit us to belief in any definite period of time in which the creation of humanity followed the creation of animals.
Lewis indicates that he believes it possible, and in no conflict with the Bible, that God raised one of the primates eventually to become human. Lewis accepts from the evolutionists the possibility that the human race started from multiple pairs of human beings rather than a single pair. At times Lewis indicates his belief in a historical Adam and Eve. However, he is open to the possibility that God may have created many human beings in this original state of paradise.
I will have to say that I could agree with Professor Lewis. His atheism, as you know, came as a result of the death of his mother when he was a child; however, God used a friend to bring him to Christ. There is no doubt in my mind that Mr. Lewis’ soul is now in heaven and that I will meet him there one day. Mr. Lewis’ view is certainly acceptable to me. It also easily answers the question on how Cain found his wife. More important is the fact that salvation is given to all who accept Jesus.
The quote came from Mere Theology by Will Vaus, MDiv, Princeton Theological Seminary