Bungee jumping:”Hosting Darwin” today and a question

I need a church I can get to in the morning but bipolar is complicating my ability to wake up on time.

Today I host my professor friend and in prep was looking at the ASA journal.

He has done bungee jumping and that’s what this feels like, today that is.

My parents are Eastern Orthodox. Interesting how that denomination doesn’t stress over evolution.

The evolution question is pretty difficult to deal with in Dallas. As far as finding a church that doesn’t automatically go hostile.

I was thinking of starting an ASA chapter here. I noticed there are few in the Southern states according to the map.

Why isn’t the ASA profile bigger today? Nationally speaking I mean.

I have to drive to Baylor to find a Christian community open to thoughtful engagement with science.


You might be interested in touching base with Janet K. Ray, who teaches at UNT in Denton, my old alma mater. She may have some thoughts and support, and is in your general area. SMU also is probably a little more open to evolution as well. Here is a link to a podcast with Dr. Ray.

Intervarsity Christian Fellowship also seems less fundy controlled, and there seems to be chapters at U.T. Arlington, UNT, and SMU as well. That might be a good resource as well.


I hope you don’t mind, but id like to take this opportunity to add in some humour…purely in the interests of lighthearted clarification…are we talking a communication or medical thing there? (JPM I’m sure will smile at the implications of the anesthetic google link in the image below to this thread)

Fortunately, you have a community right here with whom you may engage with without overwhelming hostility…so there’s comfort in that. (yeah i know some of us get a bit earbashy at times, but generally…its all good :upside_down_face:)

Well, some of the discussions can be mind-numbing!

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Very true…but hey, theres always the option to toss the medication and go out and play golf instead :rofl:

To maintain allegience ro the OP, it is very hard to have two seemingly opposed views in the same room.

I remember when i first heard the notion of “academic conflict” explained to me…as the lecturer began to explain, my mind raced ahead and i expected something like the word “biffo” to pop up.

Of course the true explaination of academic conflict in this context is far less primative than a pub brawl in church, however the human condition is what it is.

Another example of the OP dilemma i think might be politics…so there is that😉

Oh i almost forgot, i agree that religion denying science is a terrblle idea. The trouble is, it seems that even there, debate is heated…one side says the other side are not doing science when they dissagree with existing theory and beliefs.

If Edison took that approach i wonder…would my house be lit by candles at night time? We have to accept that change can often turn the staus quo on its head and that i accept is true of both sides of the debate…which also happens to be why im here. If the flat earth gets turned upside down, i dont want to be caught unawares and fall off.:face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Which presses me to ask…has anyone ever had a flat earthist explain what keeps them from floating off the earth…where do the notions of mass, weight, friction…how are these things explained in their world view?

I’m right there with you. To get myself up and moving by any time before 10 a.m. I have to set a regular alarm, my phone alarm, and an alarm on my laptop; that forces me to keep moving from my bed onward.


wouldn’t it be easier to just buy a dog that sleeps indoors?

Ours wakes us up in the morning to be let out to go to the toilet…works a treat as the dog never sleeps in and after that, she “hounds” the crap out of us to be fed…a win win for all! :smiley:

My bladder works pretty well for that purpose, now that I have it partially tamed since my prostate surgery. TMI, I know, and OT. But that is sort of what my world revolves around these days.

Knox does – but he prefers to just flop on top of me until he’s darned good and ready to let me up.

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