BioLogos Responds to the “Ark Encounter”

Please don’t be depressed… it is as it is meant to be. To those who seek with humble hearts as like children, our Creator is revealed. The sins of we Christians are obstacles only to those who don’t wish to find in the first place.

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Bingo! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

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I don’t know why I was so careful to pull punches on that. I guess I find Ken Ham’s antics so embarrassing to Christendom that I usually avoid stating the obvious.

I noticed long ago that the AIG related Facebook webpages censor reasonable Christians far more often than the nasty postings from angry atheists. They work hard to maintain their false dichotomies.


Need a laugh? Noah’s Ark Creation Museum Short Film - Noah The Manager

Now we know how they did it!

Did you know I interviewed him for BioLogos? BioLogos Interviews Bill Nye - Article - BioLogos

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I did not know that! Nice interview Brad. He was surprisingly friendly to BioLogos. Seems like he focuses his dislike on YEC. I did not know that. I wonder if you could get him to go to the next ECF conference?

Wouldn’t you say that he focuses his dislike on pseudo-science?

There are many Christians like me, a graduate of Georgetown Univ., who are religious but do not believe in a strictly literal reading of everything in the Bible.

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There is your problem, right there. You may be religious, but you may not be a Christian. I am not judging you, but I have come across many people who think they were saved but were not :frowning:

I am so happy that the ark was built. The ark is a great parallel of God’s judgment on the earth back then and in a coming age. Oh…wait…since I cannot take Genesis as literal. God lied about a coming judgment, as in the days of Noah

It is a false choice to say that if the Noah story is not literal history, it must be “a lie.” Insisting on such a ridiculous binary construct makes conversation difficult. When Jesus told the story of Lazarus and the rich man, was he lying about the importance of responding God while there was still time? Of course not.

The story of the ‘rich man and Lazarus’ is a parable. The story of Noah is not. It is a lie when the bible constantly brings up the story of Noah as if it were true :slight_smile:

Karl Giberson, formerly of BioLogos, has written an article on the Ark Encounter for the Huffington Post:

Ken Ham’s Crazy Ark Park

I pray he doesn’t try to make the story palatable for the world :frowning:

I have had the opportunity to get to know some friends at BioLogos. As a creationist and scientist I am a bit surprised by Dr Haarsma’s remarks. At least one of the past Presidents of Biologos has made statements about creationists and the valid scientific work that they do. In addition, Dr Haarsma seemed by inference to lump a lot of creationists who are working in the science fields in some kind of no man’s land stuck between science and faith, when in fact there are a lot of productive scientists who are YEC. With respect to the work that creationists have done regarding flood models, the geographical dispersion of animals by rafting takes place today and is a scientific fact …whether it took place after the flood to a great extent is speculation but we have a current model which supports the idea… Also rapid speciation in stickleback fish and in the chromosome alternation of several animal groups suggests that rapid speciation/diversification might have taken place to large degrees in the past even though we do not see it to any great extent today. I respect Dr Haarsma and her work but would like her to consider the fact that there are many scientists who believe that their faith provides a true foundation for science.

@Wookin_Panub, could you explain more of why you are happy about it? What do you think it will accomplish? Do you think it will reach many non-Christians?

I ask because I’m kind of baffled by it. It doesn’t demonstrate anything about feasibility, for example. They didn’t build an actual floating ark nor did they restrict themselves to the materials mentioned in Genesis. They don’t even make any effort to deal with large number of animals and issues like ventilation, storage of food supplies, and countless other details which their “scientists” have never even addressed in their publications. I have wondered if the project will communicate an opposite message from their intentions: the Young Earth Creationist traditional view of the ark doesn’t withstand scrutiny well. (Notice I said traditional view and at times I refer to the “Ken Ham view”, neither of which I consider to be that faithful to the Genesis text.)

I have also wondered how the general public will react to the instances where even Ken Ham realizes that the traditional view of the ark didn’t withstand scrutiny so he introduces many novel “interpretations”, For example, a pair of house cats and a pair of lions didn’t enter the ark—but perhaps a leopard paired with a tiger. (Baraminology alert!) Another example: Ham insists about 200 years of hyper-evolution brought all modern day species after unloading from the ark. Yet another example: Ham claims a single great Ice Age associated with the Great Flood, despite not a shred of evidence for such and his normally taking the position that we can know nothing about the past unless “Were you there?”

So I’m prone to wonder: What will the Ark Encounter accomplish?

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3 posts were split to a new topic: If Genesis isn’t literal history, why believe anything in the Bible?

Ok, we are called to "be kind to our fellow community members, right? Don’t see much of that in many of the comments in this section. I had some hesitations about the ark project…and I know several of the employees of this organization and they have displayed many more of the Christian fruits of the Spirit than what I see here in these comments. This is supposed to be a Christian website and yet this short article and the comments sure have me convinced that you are more concerned about defending the world of science that is instituted and guided by man than you are proclaiming our Great God who loves us and is able to do all of what we see in creation today that supposedly came over billions of years in a snap of his fingers. Right? Do you believe this? I do. When God spoke to Job, He said, “where were you when…” and then mentions several types of masterpieces that He created. So the same question must be asked of all of us bright individuals who are so sure of how God created and so sure about what we think the Ark story is all about. For this, I am sorry to suggest that organizations like biologos that are more interested to appeal to the best and brightest thinkers for the sake of Christ are mistakenly misguiding them to put hope in fragile human best(ness) and brightness to be the grounds for understanding God instead of putting hope in GOD who is beyond us in every way and could have done the unthinkable and the unnatural in His masterpiece. And if standing on this premise of faith in God does not get me into med school, then as believers of our great God lets build new schools that are better that leave explanation of really the unexplainable questions in life as, God is creator, designer and a miracle worker by His nature. Sorry for the bluntness guys and gals. I love you. I am one day expecting that the mountain of discovery that scientists have painstakenly been climbing all of these centuries may result in the sight of some folks with traditional biblical beliefs at its precipice sitting their joyfully and peacefully discussing family stories over some great coffee.


Interesting article upon Giberson:

And a tragic confession:
Citations : Karl W. Giberson, Saving Darwin : How to be a Christian and Believe in Evolution. Harper One, New York, 2008. Reviw by par Jerry Bergman, The tragic toll of toxic teaching, J. Creation 25(3):33–36, 2011 ; p. 10 ; p. 155, 156.
Calvin Smith, Sleeping with the enemy. Is teaching theistic evolution the solution ? Published on mai 2nd, 2013. Sleeping with the enemy