Hi Bill
New genes do occasionally arise. Not through “reproduction and recombination” as you put it but through mutation and selection.
See Dennis Venema’s post on the Quick Evolution of Nylonase
I would also point you to the many instances of de-novo gene creation that we have discovered:
We have direct evidence of new proteins arising in some populations of fruit flies from bits of DNA that were once non-coding.
These strings of random DNA can be found in other winged insects but it is only in certain species of fruit-fly where certain mutations have happened that have allowed them to start being transcribed and translated.
These genes are called de-novo genes because they don’t seem to have ancestors - they have effectively risen from the ashes that exist due to previous mutations, duplications, infections and rearrangements.
The proteins these de-novo genes form are not entirely well folded. These proteins tend to be short. They tend to be polymorphic (evolution is currently tweaking them and experimenting with different versions of them which are still functional) These proteins are also not well tuned - they don’t seem to be very effective at what they do but they do now do something which is very necessary to the survival of the fly. When some of these genes are knocked out, the fly often dies. This shows us that even though these proteins are new (have arisen recently), aren’t well folded and aren’t fine tuned they are still critical to the survival of the fly.
This doesn’t just happen in some fruit flies - it happens in all animals (including humans) but we know of many examples from fruit flies because of how well they have been studied.
Some of these genes appear to have evolved over about 10 million years.
More reading: The continuing evolution of genes (Carl Zimmer)
De Novo ORFs in Drosophila Are Important to Organismal Fitness and Evolved Rapidly from Previously Non-coding Sequences
New genes arise quickly (Jerry Coyne)
Many of our genes have no obvious relatives or evolutionary history. So where did they come from, wonders Helen Pilcher?
It was once thought proteins must be folded into a delicate, precise 3D structure to work properly, but it now seems many exist in a state of intrinsic disorder, flitting through thousands of different possible conformations, all the while remaining perfectly functional. About half of human proteins have at least one long intrinsically disordered segment, while 10 per cent are disordered from beginning to end
The most common method for the creation of new genes though is through duplication of an existing gene and then subsequent modification. According to a new paper released recently, this precise thing is what may have lead to us having larger brains. A partial duplication of the gene ARHGAP11A occurred about 5 million years ago. This formed a new gene which we have named ARHGAP11B.
ARHGAP11B then underwent a transversion from C->G at a single nucleotide. This single transversion causes 55 nucleotides to be deleted after transcription due to mRNA splicing. This new protein boosts the development of the neocortex by increasing production of basal progenitors (you could think of these as the undifferentiated stem cells which will go on to form the neurons within the cortex).
Not only did this 55 nucleotide deletion prematurely truncate the 5th exon, it also causes a shift in the reading frame which completely scrambles the sixth and last exon.
Humans, Neanderthals and Denisovans all have ARHGAP11B. Chimpanzees (and most other animals) only have ARHGAP11A.