Bach Was Far More Religious Than You Might Think

Evidently there is a new trend among some to claim that Bach was a “forward-looking, quasi-scientific thinker who had little or no genuine interest in traditional religion.” Well, that’s a lot of bull, and part of the confusion seems to be a case of projection. And now a new resource is shedding light on his deep faith.

This article, Bach Was Far More Religious Than You Might Think, is from the New York Times, and has links to lots of Bach’s music. If you aren’t familiar with the music of Bach you are experiencing a deprived childhood!

Soli Deo gloria


Interesting article. Thanks! I especially enjoyed this paragraph, but it makes me think we should go back and revisit our discussion of Bach and his “job” of composing music … (Not really. I have enough to do without plowing old ground again!)

“The Calov volumes also provide insight into Bach’s professional and personal concerns, showing that he understood himself less as a modern artist than as a preacher who was following his religious vocation. An annotation in Latin that the Crocker Laboratory physicists have filed under “definite Bach entries” makes for especially poignant reading, as it takes note of manifold passages in the Bible’s Solomonic literature speaking of how to find godly solace in a world that is hostile to people faithfully pursuing their divine callings. Sundry administrative records indicate that Bach often fell into trouble over philosophical differences with his employers about the place of music in worship and in education.”

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Wouldn’t it be better to attend some concerts featuring the music of Bach?

But … but … can’t I just listen right here at my computer while I do other things? You’re calling for some actual effort on my part. Not sure that’s in the cards! haha

Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: LOL!

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