and there is the caveat…“whilst still fairly young”. You made this decision in the immaturity of youth and almost certainly as a result of poor theological understanding and suspect doctrine.
Let me illustrate what I mean as I am not trying to be disrespectful or trash your decision as an individual…
I was once an avid golfer, who spent thousands of hours on practice fairways and driving ranges. I seriously hit thousands of gold balls every week for years…so much so, i had to give the sport away due to repetitive injury to shoulders, hips, knees and ankles.
The irony of my story is this, i never achieved professional status or indeed even A grade status!
The reasons were two fold however the most important, i was practicing bad habits! That is a universal issue across so many Christian denominations…there are huge numbers of individuals who’s theology is utterly crap (pardon the use of such a word). To put a positive spin on this, I think the fortunate thing for all of us is that Jesus simplified the requirements of salvation such that its easy to follow without getting tangled up in the finer points of theology and doctrine. Having said that, his simplification still includes those finer details. For example, He never once said to the pharasees or others listening “don’t keep the Sabbath”! He demonstrated “How to keep the Sabbath”!
So when i read an individual state words to the effect “when i was young i saw the light and turned away from all this nonsense” I immediately become suspicious of the real motivation behind the world view they formerly held but left! This is why I am a member of the denomination I follow currently…its doctines remain very harmonious with the big picture of the bible plan of salvation, biblical history, prophetic timelines, and the Old Testament Law combined with New Testament Gospel.
Once one starts to take away from parts of the Bible, the rest quickly becomes untenable…then individuals lose their way due to an awakening to the insurmountable theological problems that arise as a result. I accept that YECism has a lot of catching up to do with Humanism’s interpretation of science, however, it is very clear that even in just a short few decades of study, YEC scientists are tearing apart the non-christians position in this field. The problems being raised in opposition to Darwinian views are massive and in many many fundamental areas result in the secular humanistic view having only a single answer “we don’t know yet”!