Are the Assemblies of God Churches accepting Theistic Evolution?

Since Dr. Amos Yong accepts BioLogos and he is an Assemblies of God pastor, does that mean that their churches are accepting some form of evolutionary creationism?

Henry, It’s my experience that Assemblies of God congregants and pastors generally aren’t too comfortable with college degrees in general … let alone the application of evolutionary science.

I guess I’ll have to take a look at this Dr. Yong … and see what he is about …

Here’s some of his work as listed in Wiki:

Discerning the Spirit(s): A Pentecostal-Charismatic Contribution to Christian Theology of Religions (2000) ISBN 9781841271330

Spirit-Word-Community: Theological Hermeneutics in Trinitarian Perspective (2002) ISBN 9780754605416

Beyond the Impasse: Toward a Pneumatological Theology of Religions (2003) ISBN 9780801026126

The Spirit Poured Out on All Flesh: Pentecostalism and the Possibility of Global Theology (2005) ISBN 9780801027703

Theology and Down Syndrome: Reimagining Disability in Late Modernity (2007) ISBN 9781602580060

Hospitality and the Other: Pentecost, Christian Practices, and the Neighbor (2008) ISBN 9781570757723

In the Days of Caesar: Pentecostalism and Political Theology - The Cadbury Lectures 2009 (2010) ISBN 9780802864062

The Bible, Disability, and the Church: A New Vision of the People of God (2011) ISBN 9780802866080

The Spirit of Creation: Modern Science and Divine Action in the Pentecostal-Charismatic Imagination (2011) ISBN 9780802866127

Who is the Holy Spirit?: A Walk with the Apostles (2011) ISBN 9781557256355

The Cosmic Breath: Spirit and Nature in the Christian-Buddhism-Science Trialogue (2012) ISBN 9789004205130

Pneumatology and the Christian-Buddhist Dialogue, Does the Spirit Blow through the Middle Way? (2012) ISBN 9789004231177

Spirit of Love: A Trinitarian Theology of Grace (2012) ISBN 9781602583269

Renewing Christian Theology: Systematics for a Global Christianity (2014) ISBN 1602587612

The Future of Evangelical Theology: Soundings from the Asian American Diaspora (InterVarsity Press, 2014) ISBN 0830840605

"Many Tongues, Many Senses: Pentecost, the Body Politic, and the Redemption of Dis/ability.” Pneuma 31, 2 (2009): 167-188.

(with Dale M. Coulter) "From West to East: The Renewal of the Leading Journal in Pentecostal Studies.” Pneuma 10, 2 (2011): 147-173.

"Sons and Daughters, Young and Old: Toward a Pentecostal Theology of the Family.” PentecoStudies 10, 2 (2011): 147-173.

"Science and Religion: Introducing the Issues, Entering the Debates–A Review Essay.” Christian Scholar’s Review 40, 2 (Winter 2011): 189-203.

"Reading Scripture and Nature: Pentecostal Hermeneutics and Their Implications for the Contemporary Evangelical Theology and Science Conversation.” Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith 63, 1 (March 2011): 3-15.

"Disability and the Love of Wisdom: De-Forming, Re-Forming, and Per-Forming Philosophy of Religion.” Evangelical Review of Theology 35, 2 (April 2011): 160-176.

“The Spirit of Science: Are Pentecostals Ready to Engage the Discussion?” Cyberjournal for Pentecostal-Charismatic Research (April 20, 2011).

"Disability Theology of the Resurrection: Persisting Questions and Additional Considerations–A Response to Ryan Mullins.” Ars Disputandi 12 (2012).

"Pentecostal Scholarship and Scholarship on Pentecostalism: The Next Generation.” Pneuma 34, 2 (2012): 161-165.

"What’s Love Got to Do With It?: The Sociology of Godly Love and the Renewal of Modern Pentecostalism.” Journal of Pentecostal Theology 21, 1 (2012): 113-134.

"Informality, Illegality, and Improvisation: Theological Reflections on Money, Migration, and Ministry in Chinatown, NYC, and Beyond.” Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Religion 3, 2 (January 2012).

"Sanctification, Science, and the Spirit: Salvaging Holiness in the Late Modern World.” Wesleyan Theological Journal 47, 2 (Fall 2012): 36-52.


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Hello George.

I have Dr. Yong’s book dealing with evolutionary creation and the Bible. I also have Dr. Denis’ book on Evolutionary Creation: an approach for the Christian among other books and a German historical novel. Christmas presents. My Nancy always knows what I want. She is a good wife. :grinning:

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