Adam and Eve aren’t everyman and everywoman

And as usual you go overboard.

There is no contradition between…

  1. The evil is inside ourselves
  2. There is more good than evil.

Come on! Stop it with your absurd black and white overreactions!

added commentary

Jesus claims he only says what the father tells him and does what the father shows him. So when he speaks, who is speaking? And what he does, whose will is being done?

The same will in three is good enough for me.
Titles, eh. The person makes the clothes.
Trinity seems something men like to argue over.
According to the Book, All things are in Him.
There is only one line to draw, the one between good and ill intent toward others. Regardless of the outcome. One deserves mercy, the other punishment.

Yes. When John Polkinghorne was asked about original sin he mentioned something like this. One generation isn’t necessarily guilty of this stuff, but it can “inherit” evil systems, such as bad laws or institutions, such as Rikers Island.

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Many would consider benefiting from the practice of evil to be sufficient for a degree of responsibility for the evil that was done. This is particularly relevant in the U.S.A where people have inherited some benefits (however small) from the massacre of Native Americans and the long practice of slavery. Though it might also be said that this is only particularly recent in American history, and most societies are built upon the conquest of some previously existing group and/or slavery.


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