Can probably use either in this context. I was just using the terminology Richard used.
Yes, I think you are missing something. The timeline held by science is based on observations. We measure the distance to galaxies based on known and established physical observations and consistent with the properties of physical reality as expressed by physics. We measure the time it takes the light to reach us from those galaxies and the speed they are traveling away from us. We measure the rate of radioactive decay and use those observations to calculate age. We can measure erosion rates and sediment deposition rates to get a rough calculation of age. We can measure mutation rates to get an idea of how long it has been since species diverged. All those things have limitations and error bars, but they are all consistent with an ancient universe and an old earth. The killer asteroids and volcanic eruptions can also be dated by physical measurement, and those events are consistent with the known laws of physics, and do not alter the physical properties of matter, but rather conform to them. We can observe the layers left by the Dino killer asteroid, we see evidence of its impact site, we see no non-avian dinosaur fossils above that layer. We were not there, but the remains of the event are still here with us and can be studied. As for ID, I really don’t know how you could prove design, so can’t really blame them for their lack of evidence. If I am not mistaken, I think Behe accepts an old earth and common descent, but holds to some sort of divine intervention on the molecular level directing mutations and such from what I can tell. And philosophically, I am OK with that as it conforms with my idea of God’s providence, but do not agree that it is something that can be scientifically proven.