One can go through the text and match it up however they can to modern science and then proclaim "only a God(Allah in this case) could have such foreknowledge and accuracy.’
People also do this with the Hindu Rig Vedas where this author defends the science of the Vedas against charges by Muslim apologists that try to point out scientific errors:
I have no problems with other religions trying to support their religion. I respect that a lot more than saying it is all unverifiable mush but we should believe it anyway. Their solutions should be judged just like anyone else’s idea. Does it fit the facts both of their scriptures and of Nature.
Of your comment, I didn’t say,nor do I really require for something to be ‘only God could know that’ All I want is a solution to the question "Given God’s foreknowledge, that he would eventually have to communicate to us, why didn’t he say simple but true statements of modern science. The reason this is important is that if God is Creator, then God knows what the real story is. The Bible says it is impossible for God to lie. So why, according to accommodationalism did he lie about what happened? People say they believe the Bible, but clearly they can’t believe those verses that say God doesn’t lie or they too would be demanding that God tell the truth–one possible conclusion is that the God of the Bible isn’t the God who created the universe–that is the atheist option.
Everytime I say that, someone says ‘they couldn’t possibly know what we know’ or ‘they would have to know what we know’, which is utterly silly. Just a simple but true statement about Nature, that stands up to the test of time.
Yall talk a lot about meeting people where they are. god doesn’t seem to care to meet us where our society is. But accommodationalism meets no one in this age ‘where they are’ Our society has become less and less religious over the past century. Part of this is because they don’t believe the Bible is true. According to Gallup 1/4 of Americans believe the Bible is just fables and that is double what it was in 1976. But if you only consider college graduates, who are our business leaders and technocrats, it is 36% of them think the Bible is an ancient book of fables. That is where people are.
Where a large group of people today are, is this: ‘The Bible is false’ and you meet them saying “the Bible is false but worthy to be believed”. That doesn’t seem to me to be a great evangelism tool. It’s like the politician who a voter charges with lying to them, and the politician says, “Yes, I lie daily to one and all, but vote for me anyway.” That doesn’t seem like a vote getting slogan. Maybe the politician should say, “Vote for me because I lie better than the other guy!” and we should say, “Believe the Bible because our fables are better than the fables of the other religions” Dontcha just think that will catch on and cause the 3rd Great Awakening? If you this is a logical way to approach where people are today, all I can do is shake my head in amazement, and maybe cry for the future of our religion.