Any homeschoolers planning to attend the Biologos 2019 conference and been to one before? Hubby and I are going but trying to decide if we’ll do the whole thing or pick one day!
My wife and I will be there for the duration. We were just checking, and the cherry trees should be blooming at that time in DC, so will probably make a little trip there after the conference. Look forward to meeting those of you who can make it!
@Kathryn_Applegate was there going to be one day at the conference with some homeschool-specific presentations?
There will be a 3-hour education workshop led by @amaskiewicz and me, which will include discussion of homeschool-specific topics. That will be 2-5pm on March 27. I don’t know yet whether there will be an education track in the submitted talks. Hope many of you can be there!
Is that before the main part of the conference starts (I thought it didn’t start till Wed night) and if so, do we need to register separately for it? I definitely don’t want to miss it!
@Lstrite, Sorry for the delay! I had to check on how registration works for this. Apparently it’s an add-on at the end of the registration process, and it costs $35 to attend. The workshop is before the conference begins (you’re right - it starts Wed evening).
@Lstrite and everyone - if you are a homeschool parent, you are ELIGIBLE for the K12 teacher discount on registration! So make sure you take advantage of that!
Thank you