There is nothng natural about ell. Your analogies, as usual are way off the maek and prove that you have no idea what I am describimg.
You are basically claiming that God intended them to go to Hell.
IOW you have the wrong precept, and the wrong analogy. We are not taliking about some arbitary sailing trip or a shipwreck. e are talking about the meaning of life. And it is clear that you do not think that there is one other than to be saved (Rite of passage, although the other spelling throws up some interesting concep
What has jumping in a pool got to do with anything? You know what the king’s shilling was? You accepted it you were drqfted.
That is how you are treting forgiveness. You accept it , yiou are a christian. The converse being, if you do not accet it you can’t be a chritsian.
You said it. i ddn’t claim that was how I saw it.;
Forgiveness is not an invitation. It is grace.
And there you go. Decalring the whole world a ship wreck!
You need to get out more.
You crease me up.
You justt have no idea. You are just fixated on the fall of humanity… but you fail to see what that makes God into.
Again, who said that was what I beleive? It is the consequence of your beliefs.
You are more concerned with sin than you are about the general welfare of humanity.
Sin, sin, sin, That is all you think about, care about, and base your ffaith on. You completely ignore the rest.
Again. You are limiting God to the efforts of a provebial handful of people.
Why should people listen? Why should someone whose family has had a set of beleifs for millenia change them? (And why would God make them!)
\There are many who do not knw God at all, and God is quite content. He does not force Himslef onto them. And He does not ignore them. And He does not conden them out of hand, He forgives them!
Why are you being so selfish about God’s grace? What makes you think thqt you little voice is enough? Yiou cannot argue people into faith. And you cannot cajole them with threats of Hell. if they fdonlt beleive in God they wont beleive iinHell.
And by saying that is their bad choice or bad kuck is callous to the nth degree and does not reflect the Love of God for all of His creation.
I suggest you re read the last chapter of Jonah, and see what the Plant stands for.And why God cares , and you dont.
I have born no such thing. it is the consequence of the beliefs I have laid out and criticised. If you think that God only saves" the faithfull few and that the whole point of lif istto get to heaven then it does apply to you. Your priority is Sin, not with physical wlefare. And you are blingd to the good in others because of it.
Look at the OT prophets. Look at what israel / Judah was criticised for.
it was their mindless religion that ignored the neoghbour and the widdow. It was their futil sacrifices when their actual intent was not changed. It was their beleif that being a child of Abraham was all that mattered
Once you have been forgiven you are home free! You have your ticket to Heaven. Your actions do not matter! (Justification by faith alone)
But James is right. Faith without works is dead.because the works reveal your true understanding and faith. The only reason they do not count in terms of salvation s because they are xpected. “We are only humblle servants and have only done our duty.”