Why you are a theist?

Christianity wasn’t any part of the question. The question was…

“Why Christianity?” is a completely different question with a different answer: here

Remember that I wasn’t raised Christian or in any other religion and had no basis for seeing any meaning in the word “God” at all – that was something I had to figure out before I could take either the Bible or Christianity seriously.

You see this idea of nothing after death (ignoring all the meaningless “kaput” babble) as a problem with atheism but that sounds really good to me. I don’t believe it (this idea of nothing after death) because to me it looks too good to be true.

When I read this, I get the feeling you are just making things up and you don’t even bother reading what I wrote at all.

Given Christianity says no such thing why do make this up and insert it into your version of Christianity?

I would argue that you make things up in order to change Christianity and the Bible into a tool of power for controlling other people.

This combat analogy fits well my conclusion that you use the Bible and Christianity as a tool of power over other people.

In my view we are children not pawns and Satan only has power because we give it to him with our own refusal of responsibility.