Why was man created? (continuation from "No. Adam and Eve were not the first humans") branch of conversation

Why did God create man first?
In order that he was in time say at least a few words.

Scotus is more radical than that. Christ did not come just as the remedy for our sin.God predistined the divine union with humanity before even humanity came into existence and rebelled (sinned). The greatest event in all eternity was to be the divine -human union that Christ would become. It was already a pre-ordained purpose to unite all creation through the incarnataion and even if humanity had never sinned and in need of redemption God would still have become incarnate because it would be the greatest glory of God in creation.

The point is thenthat we exist for be in union with the predestined Christ. That’s why we exist, for Him and union with God with Him. Its then our rebellion that makes the Incarnation part of redemption.

You and @cosmicscotus will enjoy this I think.

I highly recommend this brilliant video explaining this. Mind blowing, so simple, yet expansive, concise and articulate, using great Biblical references and logic.