Why the Size of the Moon and the "Goldilocks" factors will be the only "proof" of God in Science

I hope you realize that “awesome” is an over-used word these days.

That reminds me on the program this week on the Voyager project. It was interesting how several of the engineers and scientists involved were choked up and tearful just recalling the key moments such as the pictures coming in for the first time of Jupiter and Saturn.


I’m just now watching the show! The Farthest: Voyager in Space

Oh, I do because it is what I heard most often when people expressed the “emotional” feelings.

Ray :sunglasses:

At what time does the Biblical story line pick up? Assuming two thirds of the earth is water and if there were a leveling of the mountains the water could cover the whole earth’s surface; the point is, when does the story kick in? I’d know for some time it was first a water world but the writer says that it first was a land dominated world. But now and for billions of years we know it was the place for blue green algae aggregation…that was the life source for the first life until the pre cambrian fauna. Right so far? So first, please let me know the source of the “land first” idea; I need to read up…I’m obviously behind the times. Still and nontheless, I’d question the timing of the water world concept. At some time in earth’s history, amazingly coincidentally, the Bible narrative is the preponderance of a water world. At some point it was so. HOW did they guess that? I researched the Egyptian sources from the Old Kingdom and that helps a bit; they too knew the preponderance of water; but did they think it a water world?

The total eclipse from a scientific perspective is easily described as awesome. Because it is overused does not invalidate its usefulness when truly applicable. The two books that incorporate the uniqueness of the perfect eclipse are, “Privileged Planet” and “Rare Earth” which combine many unique instances that give earth a unique platform to see the universe while other worlds are not so well positioned. There is a youtube video on “Privileged Planet” also that is very good.

Thank you for that. I have intended to read them, but still haven’t finished other books I already have open.

When you move to the Egyptian and Ancient Near-Eastern accounts, it has to be seen as a religious cosmology not a scientific one. That does not mean they believed it was all water, but that it chaos instead of order. Nothing scientific in our eyes is evident in the ancient cosmologies. They were looking for “function and order” or their place in the grand scheme of things.

So you can’t conflate the two viewpoints together to make a “theory of everything”.

Ray :sunglasses:

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