Why should I bother with the Bible and Christianity?

Hmm well actually this is the exact place where your theology goes completely pearshaped…

Christs atoning death does a lot more than move Adam and Eve back to paradise…

How do you reconcile your claim with Revelation 21?

“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and earth had passed away,”

“3And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying:”

“Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man, and He will dwell with them."

I could go on quoting other texts however the gist is the following…

If you read daniel 2, its clear that the earthly kingdoms are eventually destroyed by the rock cut without hands which fills the whole earth. This isnt the spread of Christianity immediately after Christs ascention, its the final judgement and cleansing of the earth in the latter stages of the book of Revelation.

Revelation 21 tells us God come to dwell among us…we dont live eternally eith Him…he returns with us to our abode when its re created new again (ie new heavens and new earth).
This supports the notion that salvation is a complete restoration process of a former world corrupted by sin (this world we live on today)…there is no theological way to deny this biblical fact!

Also, if you were to study the Old Testament Sanctuary service, you would realise that one of the last yearly functions in the sanctuary is to cleanse it…this cleansing process is an illustration of what is going to happen to the earth at the end of time, it will be cleansed of all sin so that a sinless a creator God can come and make his abode among His people on this earth! God did exactly this when he lived among the Israelites…he mantained a presence inside the Most Holy Place of the Tabernacle…why else do you think fire came out from the MHP and killed Nadab and Abihu when they got drunk and took strange fire inside the tabernacle? They were killed because they had not “cleansed themselves” before entering the presence of the Almighty in the Tabernacle! (They disobeyed a very strict rule when enterring the presence of God…they paid for that foolishness with their lives) . The Old Testament Sanctuary is not just some metaphorical moral mumbo jumbo…it predicts exactly how salvation of humanity and restoration of the world from.corruption actually works. Its an extremely important area of Christian study.

Thats exactly why Revelation talks about the New Jerusalem descending from heaven to this planet…its Gods home and his throne coming to our back yard.

All Christians as far as im aware agree that sin cannot survive in the presence of the father…so if Hes coming here to this planet, its after sin has been completely removed from it and we know that process is very clearly described in the bible as a restoration…not an evolution!

The earth doesnt evolve into something better…God clearly performs a miracle to restore this earth ij Revelation…its clearly not described in a manner that suggests Hes observing the laws of science.

The real problem here is that scientists claim to believe in the gospel and yet fundamentally they deny miracles. If what im saying tuere is false, how is it the flood for example cannot have produced the fossil record we have…how can a miracle not do that given Christ died, rose from the dead, and is now in heaven according to Biologos followers? Ill claim the only reason biologos accept the story of Christ is because science has absolutely zero means to either prove or disprove it…i mean if you can test and prove even 1 of the New Testament miracles…im all ears! Biologos dont even Believe Paul was bitten by a poisonous snake…how could you, the Isle of Malta has zero testable scientific evidence of any poisonus snakes having ever been on it! (We only have the bible record attesting to it)

To my way of thinking, thats a ridiculously hollow belief…so when you say its not important enough to be a salvation issue, well actually, it is because hollow untestable fairytales arent scientifically believable. (So theres that dilemma for a start.)