I would say subdue and rule doesn’t require violence. Jesus explained much of the OT to us in ways we can’t or didn’t understand them until He explained them to us, giving us His wisdom. For thousands of years, we used earthly kingdom terminology and thought rule meant, forceful/brute/violent or strategic domination is required. Then Jesus came along said in the Kingdom of God, the highest of highs, became the lowliest of lows, the first, become last. The King of Kings, washes the feet of the peasants! That doesn’t sound like “violent rule” to me? Husbands are to subdue/rule their wives in the same way Jesus ruled His disciples. We were and are to subdue and rule the earth and the animals in the same way, in the terms of the Kingdom of God.
@Mervin_Bitikofer (or the Spirit of God throw him) killed it in the other thread I am quoting below!
This is the epitome of meekness that Jesus told us to have and showed us!
Also like @Mervin_Bitikofer kind of alluded to…the only lexicographers you need is Jesus. He explained was rule meant, by SHOWING us what it was intended to mean, not what it was thought to have meant thousand of years ago.
The Kingdom of God has a different dictionary than we do on earth, a true dictionary that is Jesus, the Word.