How long is this list you have of things God cannot do.
My list is short – there is nothing on it. I do not enslave God to my theology like so many theologians and clergy do. I think they do that in order to make God serve them better.
I think God is a real creator. He can create things that would continue to exist even if He disappeared. And no I don’t think that is a blasphemous suggestion. Suggesting things contrary to what some puffed up human clergy and theologian believes is not blasphemy no matter what he says. It is far far more blasphemous to say God cannot do what you don’t want Him to do. There are certainly things I don’t think God would do, but I would not say God cannot do them… only that I think God wouldn’t do them.
If He created it then it isn’t self-existent. It exists because He created it. It doesn’t follow that God cannot create anything with a real existence of its own. That is just a limitation you are putting on God.
Does He just want the dream of a chair or does He want a real chair which exists because it is made of wood made of molecules made of particles made of energy in a space-time continuum. For the latter He doesn’t need a home-depot because He can create a space-time continuum with energy making particles and molecules supporting the development of life in which trees can evolve and grow to produce the wood from which a chair can be made.
So you edit the word “angels” out of the text in verse 4. The whole paragraph and chapter is about comparing Christ to the angels. It is saying that Jesus is not some creature like the angels which God made, but was a participant both in the creation of everything and in God continued work to make His creation serve His providential purpose.
The word “pheron” means hold, brought, bringing, or bearing, and it has nothing to do with this panentheistic theology which transforms creation into an emanation of God which would vanish without God like some kind of dream.
Ok… shrug…
Exodus 13 Then Moses said to God, “If I come to the people of Israel and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ what shall I say to them?” 14 God said to Moses, “I am who I am.” And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel, ‘I am has sent me to you.’”
Nope. Doesn’t say what you insist – that God cannot create anything which continues to exist on its own. I certainly think God is self-existent but no I don’t think that justifies altering this passage to make it say anything of that sort either.
Total baloney… It is just simply this. I believe in a God that CAN. And you believe in a God that CANT. This enslavement of God to theology is just plain nonsense, and I am not buying what you are selling.
Do I think God CAN make things which cannot exist on their own but vanish the moment He disappeared or woke up. Well yeah. But the point is that even I can do that. That is what dreams are.