Why accept consensus as reality?

No, just that the energy to do so is not infinite - at least in usability. The amount of energy “unavailable to do work” would be increasing all throughout an infinite universe. I don’t see entropy being in one area and needing to go sequentially through the infinite space. I would think that all the matter/energy in an infinite space universe would entropy.

I’m not aware of any alarmist scientific papers.

In Palestine it is a crime to use solar power. Sub-Saharan Africa and the Syrians, Yemenis, Libyans, Lebanese, the dirt poor of the Brazilian favelas, of Kolkata, of Haiti, of Pakistan and Bangladesh aren’t suffering for the want of coal fired power stations. Nothing is stopping them burning carbon except their dire poverty.

They are poor because we are rich.

Capitalism is the antithetical development of mercantilist slavery. It has absolutely nothing to do with ethics.

A lot of external money is going in. We could have enabled enough coal powered plants that they could keep going. The donor organizations and governments are in your court on the evilness of fossil fuels. And the lack of medicine cooling ability continues to kill.


They don’t need fossil fuel plants. They need full social justice. As do our poor.

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The term “social justice” is like the name for the cereal Grape Nuts which has no grapes and no nuts.

There is a lot of injustice done with the term “social justice” and they often tend to not be very sociable either.

Klax has a point. I spent a little time in North Africa, and what would really help the people there is more solar power at point of use. Power plants were not economically feasible, and even if built, there were no power distribution systems. Of course, they really had little to refrigerate. Solar power would charge their cell phones and light a few LEDs however. By the way, you can run an appropriate fridge very well on propane, though still using a fossil fuel.

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Your so-called social justice will not keep their medicine cold.

Yeah. How unfair to unfairness eh?

I should stop complaining and start a group to build the coal power plants where the locals could produce the coal.
Others denying that their not dying because it isn’t available has no effect on my actions to help them.

Nah, I’m just speaking truth to power.

But our potshots here are useless.

Of course, you would also have to find appropriate deposits of coal in the region, build a coal mine, and build a railroad to get it to the plants, in addition to building the power distribution system.
Then, if only they could afford to buy a refrigerator, and something to put in it.


Thank you for your encouraging word. Good to consider the parameters of the project.

I have the power of privilege, like you. We need to speak to ourselves. There’s no point saying anything to the real ruling class. Just tax their wealth.

It is a daunting task, considering how best to help the poor. We have done a poor job in the past, dumping grain in areas and ruining the economy such that local farmers are put out of work and so forth. I think the worst thing about global warming is the droughts that are produced and resultant famines.

You’re hatred is showing. It is not good to dehumanize a person as “less than” based on non-moral standards you set up. Even in moral issues it should be to call a person back to their worth by treating others well. Back to the value we humans can walk in.

Yeah, like Jesus, I hate injustice.

Good, then we’re both against the injustice done in the name of so-called “social justice”.

Jesus didn’t complain that the poor were being unfair to the rich did He? Or did I miss that? Did He abrogate what He said against the rich and for the poor?

No, the only injustice is social. No injustice is done in the name of social justice. Injustice is by definition in their being inequity, unfairness. The utter lack of equality of outcome. Massive, intrinsic injustice even in full democracies like Britain (where 12 men own one quarter of Scotland), let alone third rate ones like the US and France. It’s not possible for the rich to suffer social injustice.

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The American Enterprise Institute is a right-wing think tank.