Why a Designer?

Now that’s funny!! You really have been watching too many science-fiction movies!

Maybe you haven’t heard about mRNA vaccines for cancers and genetic therapies for cycle cell anemia. Maybe you are entertaining us. :grin:


It’s called gravitational theory or the theory of gravity. Yeah, it’s a fact.

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No point me speculating about an impossibility.

You might be in trouble. Do you think God in his providence can’t have a bunch of prebiotic molecules come together in unique circumstances with some groupings of others already formed, have it hang around for a while and then just ‘by chance’ combine with some more groupings ‘pre-prepared’ to produce a minimalistic prokaryote? And from there more of the same to a eukaryote?

How does that relate to my post? …

Life is the result of God’s miraculous power.

Life arising naturally from inanimate matter is an idiotic atheist fantasy.

Um, sorry – I’ve known a couple of atheists who wanted to believe in God, they just refused to have anything to do with a God associated with the “absolute nonsense of YEC and rules, rules, rules”.

Sorry – see above.
And add in the refusal to believe in a God who allows various evils.

And, again, sorry. I’ve met people who were absolutely miserable in life and refused to believe in God for one simple reason: they had prayed and prayed for years for one simple thing – a friend who understood them. Yet not only had no such friend come along, they hardly had anyone they could call a friend.

There was a guy in InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at my university who was like that. His ‘poem’, though, was a song I knew well (though I never understood it till I met him)–

= - = + = - = + = - = + = - =

This is the kind of thing I would hear from shallow Christians who grew up sheltered and never got to know anyone who was really really different.



No natural laws were broken when Jesus calmed the storm on Galilee. A man in a boat said something. A storm stopped.

Likewise the parting of the Red Sea. A man raised a staff in the air and said something. It was windy.

You do not appreciate the miracles of God’s providence.

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Right … just as no natural laws were broken when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. LOL

Mate, I love ur sense of humour … more please!

Yes, well, you would know … having produced many a viable organism from inanimate matter yourself. LOL

You cannot distinguish between supernatural miracles and ‘hypernatural’ ones apparently. That’s too bad – the latter are very cool. Ask Maggie or any number of others.

The quantity of your laughter is telling, if you know what that means. (It is whether you do or not. ; - )

Well, you would know all about that … having performed many supernatural and ‘hypernatural’ miracles yourself and having been present when those biblical miracles occurred. LOL

How many reputable theologians support your entertaining ideas about biblical miracles?
Wait, let me guess … it’s somewhere zero and one (but probly closer to zero than one).

I found this discussion helpful. I look forward to anyone’s thoughts about it.

Who is the Fool? How Christians misread the Bible to attack atheists - Randal Rauser

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I think you’re sitting as mentioned in Psalm 1, and you really don’t want to.

When it comes to comedy, you are obviously quite talented. But when it comes to theology … er, not so much. Sorry.

What church do you belong to? Just curious …

I’m not a member of the one I attend because I cannot affirm their statement of doctrine, but they let me vote! The call me their token Presbyterian. :grin:


I pretty much affirm Burkhof’s systematics.

And check these out:
The Doctrine of the Knowledge of God
The Doctrine of God
The Doctrine of the Christian Life
The Doctrine of the Word of God

(I haven’t read the last one – it could be interesting based on what I’ve learned here in the last… let me check… huh, exactly five years come Monday.)

And based on your diction and mocking self-assurance, I suspect I’ve been a Christian longer than you have been alive. That, and you’re clueless about God’s providence.

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What Presbyterian doctrine don’t you agree with?