Why a Designer?

The RC church here only gives communion under one kind, which is abhorrent to what Jesus said – I won’t darken that door from fifty feet away.

Not. Even. Close.

Covid. bro. My parish hasn’t offered Communion in the form of wine since 2019.

Have you ever been to a Catholic Communion (Mass)

I am guessing not.

There is littlle difference in liturgy. The man difference is that Catholics believe the host and wine are Christ while the rest of us believe they are symbolically in remembrance of Him.


Comparing the theory of gravity to a theory that attempts to explain the evolutionary history of life is ridiculous … for reasons that should be obvious.

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What’s obvious is you don’t know how the terms ‘theory’ and ‘fact’ are used in science (nor how much evidence there is supporting evolution).

This may describe you as well?: A recent post.

I don’t think so – physicists still haven’t the slightest clue what gravity actually is, and they’re not entirely sure they really understand what it does. Biology is in somewhat better shape.


I dont know … that post is too deep for me to understand. Sorry.

The major problem with Orthodox churches is that they’ve separated themselves from Peter, who alone holds “the keys of the kingdom of heaven” given to him by Jesus (Matt 16:18-19).

For that reason, I don’t believe the Orthodox represent the true Church, even though they have valid holy orders, sacraments and apostolic succession through the episcopacy,

On the other hand, scientists can perform experiments with gravity … no one can perform experiments with fish evolving into mammals, for example.

But they can predict successfully and find fossils. Maybe Chicko :wink: hasn’t read to you about Tiktaalik, an example of just that.

How quickly he forgets.

In case you didn’t recognize it, “I don’t think it’s going to happen in a lab any time soon” was gross understatement. It ain’t gonna happen. But don’t be even a little surprised when they isolate genetic sequences that alone or in combination with others that can radically change morphologies!

And that is comparable how?

And you really do not see this as a problem, or factor?

What it means is that evolution can never be a fact, in the real sense.

Been there,

Evolution is only a hypothesis but due to longevity it has been granted theoretical status.
But, in science a theory is considered fact if there is no conflicting scientific theory.

So evolution became a fact by scientific manipulation.



Go here: A recent post.

What is your conflicting scientific theory to evolution? It cannot be theistic evolution, because you admit that it is not science.

That is not the point. The point is that evolution is not a fact by any other understanding.

Please do.


The point is, you understand neither the science nor the philosophy.

I’m still glad you want to and should include God, but you are making the above mistakes in doing it, wanting ’poofing’ where you shouldn’t, and leaving out God’s sovereign providence where it should be admitted.

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We have different perspectives. That does not give you the right to claim superiority over me. I am not making any mistakes. I have claimed that you are, so I guess we are even.

Wha I am saying, and you are not seeing is

You see God in scientific evoltion but the rest of the world does not. By claiming evolution as a fact you are shutting God out,in the eyes of anyone who cannot see God in scientific evolution


Ah yes … that old chestnut.

That’s pretty funny, and Maggie just had a streak of good luck, shutting God out. I claim her ‘lottery wins’ as fact just like I do evolution. I’m sorry you aren’t grasping God’s providence willingly.