When Did Adam Live? Pt 1 on Religion in the Hominids

You have such a different world view and you aren’t my audience. But, there actually is Biblical evidence of ancient ages, I won’t get into it with you because I don’t dance for folk who don’t care about the issue. And you don’t care. It doesn’t affect your theology at all. Doing a dance for you to demonstrate my position is a huge waste of what precious time I have left.



I didn’t say that there couldn’t be earlier people, my point was intended to refer to how making Adam and Eve that old would create as many problems as it resolves…

I would say the the two points (high vs. low) on the spectrum of “high vs. low waste of time” is actually entangled for this particular topic.

It is nice of you to be able to tell me what is a waste of my time. I much appreciate it. I spent years showing geological data to YECs. they didn’t care. And in my opinion, I have spent about as long railing against the illogic of accommodationalism which says early genesis is true but the Bible should still be believed. There is no effect there either. And I don’t think you care if Genesis is true or not, so don’t askeme to be your data puppet.

So, I have learned that I should do my work for those actually interested in what I have done, and that doesn’t include atheists, lazy Christians who just want me to post something they could have easily found themselves on a google search, and people who have no shared world view. If I have wasted my life, at least I have wasted it doing what I wanted to do.

I don’t live by the world’s standards. In fact I have pretty much learned that if the crowd believes it, it is probably wrong. Example, people who have invested in Tesla, believing Musk’s hype (or in his tunnel boring company), are going to lose their shirts eventually. The question is, how long can he keep getting the greater fool to invest and bail him out?

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Doing what you want to do is never a waste.

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@Mervin_Bitikofer has been very supportive of your efforts. And I agree with his general assessment.

The irony is good: you write “I spent years showing geological data to YECs. they didn’t care. And in my opinion, I have spent about as long railing against the illogic of accommodationalism which says early genesis is true but the Bible should still be believed.”

But here you are, following in these same footsteps of those you mock - - trying to tell us which parts of the Bible should still be believed.

Rohl devised a completely new chronology, because he saw that Creationists were stuck trying to fix their timeline to the actual timeline of Egyptian history. And so, in the process, he created a brand new set of contradictory assumptions in the timeline… but - - By God! - - he fixed the original problem!

Maybe you want to be a new prophet? Adam and Eve are Homo erectus, and you will have a following proclaiming humanity’s founder, Homo erectus Adama ?:

“As a professor of religious studies, Douglas Cowan explores the human need to seek out meaning in an uncertain universe. But he is as likely to find it in Battlestar Galactica as he is in The Bible. Cowan’s new book,
Sacred Space: The Quest for Transcendence in Science Fiction Film and Television,
pursues ideas of identity, mortality and the divine through the galaxies of . . . Babylon 5…”

Another writer says this: “In the original series, Adama is a religious leader as much as a military one, and frequently studies scripture and makes pronouncements based on his faith. Several deleted scenes show him leading people in prayer…”

Frankly, @gbob, I was hoping to help you find a home. But I think you prefer the tabernacle you have built for yourself just fine. So I will leave you be…

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