Dale, what references do you have to support the idea of two creations? And, in your world view, what is the purpose of two creations?
In my world view, the claim of two creations is one of ignorance of very obvious bible doctrine of type vs antitype. The comparison between Adam and Christ is exactly that…type and antitype, it is not support for two creations. Melchizedek and Jesus are also compared…again type and antitype. The earthly and heavenly sanctuaries…type and antitype.
A similar dissagreement exists when we talk about death…there is both physical and spiritual death. TEism must deny the physical death, however, that creates an insurmountable theological dilemma for TEists, how then can they explain Christs physical incarnation, life, death, resurrection and as the prophecy states, second coming? Those who are dead in Christ are physically raised into new bodies to meet those who are living in the air with Christ at the second coming!
The problem here is not that I have enormous theological, biblical and philosophical capabilities…i am very poor in all of those areas. I am simply presenting very basic theological concepts in response to things others on these forums claim, Christians apparently, who have not bothered to ensure that their scientific beliefs are actually supported by the big picture the bible presents to us.
For example, no Christian can pretend that Christ is an allegory. No Christian can pretend that the Jewish Temple is an allegory . History proves the temple was destroyed by Romans in A.D 70.
Because the Herodian temple was destroyed by Romans, we cannot ignore that it was a rebuilt version of Solomons Temple.
Because Solomon is said in the Bible to have built the temple at the request of his father King David, we cannot ignore that kind David wanted to make a permanent home for God who had been living in a tent (the Mosaic tabernacle).
We know that the reason the Mosaic tabernacle was built is to illustrate in a very real way exactly how it is that God was going to redeem all mankind back to himself after the fall of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden.
God was not saving just Adam and Eve…it is for all mankind, which throws the idea of multiple civilisations, one in the garden and one outside the garden into grave doubt! It is impossible to suggest that God created Adam and Eve for himself and when they sinned save those outside who have not sinned as well
When did those who were outside the garden, at the time Adam and Eve were inside, sin? The Bible makes zero reference to any such event…so why do they also need saving all of a sudden?
It is impossible to then claim, Moses and his writings are fiction or fairytale…an allegory. The sanctuary service is provable (because the buildings used are 100% proven to have been real) and the sanctuary service takes us back to the beginning of time for Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and then moves forward through all history right to the end of time.
your apparent white knight above is nothing more than a red herring.
Anyway, offtopic to this thread. I will leave it at that.