Adam, I assume no such thing. I am fully aware that individuals of influence in the world attempt to corrupt truth. Anyone who assumes that individuals of influence in the world do not attempt to corrupt truth is very, very naive.
But there is a limit to how much truth you can corrupt with limited resources. For the earth to be six thousand years old, yet for scientists to be reporting the level of intricate detail, precise measurements and self-consistency in support of an ancient earth and evolution that they do, you would need far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far more than just “individuals of influence in the world covering up the truth.” You would need millions of scientists worldwide to have been colluding with each other to fabricate and fudge evidence in extraordinary detail on an industrial scale for more than two hundred years. The financial cost of such a deception would run into the trillions of dollars.
Such a deception would have to include scientists and ex-scientists who not only had no incentive whatsoever to keep quiet about it, but every incentive to blow the whistle. Some geologists and evolutionary biologists no longer work in the field but have moved on to other industries. Some of them have failed to secure postdoctoral positions in the respective fields and are no doubt bitter about it as a result. Some of them live and work in the Middle East, where the prevailing Islamic culture would have them shouting about such a deception from the rooftops if it were actually happening. And some of them are retirees. And then what about other scientists working in other areas of research, competing against it for funding? Do you really believe that they would remain silent if they saw such an extraordinary amount of money going to waste when it could be funding their own more profitable and useful research instead? What about university administrators demanding an account from the “evolutionists” of what they are spending their grant money on? What about politicians allocating funding for it from taxpayers’ money?
Yet despite all of this, where is the evidence of such an extraordinary level of collusion? We never hear a peep about it from anyone. Even YECs, who claim that such a thing is going on, only cite in support of it a handful of isolated cases of fraud (or even just honest mistakes being portrayed as fraud) from nearly a century ago, such as Piltdown Man, Nebraska Man or Haeckel’s diagrams – nowhere near sufficient to establish the kind of levels of collusion we are talking about. Nor do any of the YECs in the US Congress, who are in a position to influence government spending on these areas of research, ever question where the money is going. You will even search in vain to try and find anything about it on Wikileaks.
No, Adam. If evolution and an ancient earth were the product of individuals of influence corrupting truth, that would be the mother of all conspiracies. NASA faking the moon landings, chemtrails, aliens in Area 51, 9/11 being an inside job, and the US Navy covering up the existence of mermaids, would be child’s play by comparison. Yes, individuals of influence corrupt truth. But not on the industrial scale spanning multiple centuries and costing trillions of dollars that you would require to establish your case. Conspiracies of that magnitude do not happen, it’s as simple as that, and certainly not without a lot of people blowing the gaff on it.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Adam. This has nothing to do with secularism. It has nothing to do with denying God. It’s simply a matter of getting your facts straight, being honest about how you interpret the evidence, and being realistic about the kind of deception and covering things up that human beings are actually capable of in reality. Nothing more, nothing less.