Sorry but the plain fact remains is that the spirituality you are selling is that that of Plato and Neoplatonism and for me this contradicts the very reasons I believe in a spiritual aspect to reality in the first place.
Everything physical can be considered an encoding of information in the same medium of particles and forces. Often they have a dynamic structure that maintains itself by replacing its material components from those in its environment and this applies not only to living organisms but to other things like hurricanes and tornadoes. This is why many physicist will consider information to be the very essence of all things physical.
Frankly reducing spirituality to something like this is to do away with it altogether and what you really have is naturalism again. You provide the perfect basis for the naturalists and atheists to simply say that such spirituality is simply an outdated and inferior explanation of nature and science is the far more rational explanation of the same things.
So to clarify once again… I am not saying that the spiritual (non-physical) does not exist, only that it is a mistake to identify these which information, ideas, and other objects of mental activity. It doesn’t do justice to the spiritual and it doesn’t work as a means of establishing the existence of the non-physical either.