This “debate” can go on indefinitely. I really do not see its purpose.
@DennisVenema takes a position largely accepted by mainstream science. @Cornelius_Hunter does not. There are irreconcilable differences in how these two think about data, science and evidence. This conversation mirrors larger schisms between the ID movement (that has its own way of interpreting data) and those of us in mainstream science.
Of course, I have my opinions about who is “right”, but this disagreement cannot be adjudicated in this forum. This is not how scientific arguments are litigated. @Cornelius_Hunter, even if you are to “win” this argument, you will have no impact on how science sees this topic. Literally zero impact. This is a totally futile way of impacting how science is done.
Rather than pretending that this is a useful debate, I think it would be better to end this line. For those interested in the science here, rather than a debate, I think there is value in explaining how mainstream science works and why it is so certain about evolution. Disagree if you must, but there is value in understanding how mainstream science works. It is not nearly as ideological or unreasonable as some might assume.
So, I have no interest in continue a debate here of any kind. I have no interest in participating in an entirely futile effort.
On the other hand, those curious about how mainstream science works and how it comes to the conclusion of evolution, well I am happy to explain that =). Despite the fears, evolution is not an assumption of science, it is the conclusion arrived at based on a vast amount of scientific evidence. Of course, using rules other than mainstream science (e.g. assuming YEC) one will come to different conclusions.
It is clear that many people disagree with that conclusion. Great. We all know that. Our effort here, however, is to explain why mainstream science has come to this conclusion. I do not have the desire to debate it.