What is the real science around masks?


Maybe we could phrase it no one is arguing whether not wearing gloves is dangerous to your health.

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I hear you, but given my experience at every restaurant and grocery store I’ve been to recently without exception… apparently someone seems to think that failing to wear gloves during this time would indeed pose a health risk. Apparently many someones.

Some studies suggest when workers wear gloves, they touch their face far less frequently, so it can help protect people who work in areas likely to be contaminated.

Should everyone wear a mask every day for the rest of his life?

If not, why not?

When the pandemic ends, we won’t need to wear one anymore. Pandemics do end. They just take time.

Did people keep wearing masks forever after the 1918 flu pandemic?


Indeed. Perhaps we might forward those studies to the CDC so they can get their science right…!


We do need to wear them now when it is appropriate, and that is not never.

The only thing I am seeing in the statistics of Sweden is that they are providing less information about what is going on with the virus in their country than other countries.

On the biologos website, it says, “LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR. WEAR A MASK.”

It also says:

“Therefore, because of our faith in Jesus Christ, we will:
Wear masks in indoor public spaces and follow other physical distancing rules given by public health officials (1 Peter 2:13-17), unless there are underlying health conditions. Yes, wearing a mask is uncomfortable and awkward, but the evidence is clear that masks reduce the chance we will transmit the disease to others. Mask rules are not experts taking away our freedom, but an opportunity to follow Jesus’ command to love our neighbors as ourselves (Luke 6:31).”

Why cease to wear masks when Covid-19 is no longer a consideration? Would not perpetual mask-wearing reduce the chance we will transmit other diseases to other people? Would this not save lives?

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Why are you posing an irrelevant hypothetical when not enough people will be wise (and godly) enough to wear them now during this ongoing pandemic?

We already know that there are some negative aspects involved in wearing masks, so let’s deal with the problems at hand.


the spread of Coronavirus is depending on 2 key factors

1 How dense your population is
2 How dense your population is

It appears that the density of science can be unlimited but then Religion lost its credibility by making itself the slave of their earthly masters and so does science. Considering that the tobaco industry used science to tell us that smoking was not a problem you wonder what other ideas you can sell under the disguise of science. But then “the church” used the concept much longer.

The idea of the benefit of masks goes back to the idea of the particulate origin of life in 1870

They got the idea right that masks help against the spread of those germs, but were wrong about the origin of life, as the bacteria were the consequence of life, not it’s origin, unless one “mis”-understands life to be a physical process and not a metaphysical one.

What deadly disease would I be likely to carry around asymptomatically besides Covid-19?


I’m using sources from googling various pandemic related topics and it’s not easy. For example an NPR entry dated August 8th ranks Sweden as having the 6th worst death rate per 100,000 (56.4) with Spain, Italy, and the UK having worse death rates ( we rank 9th on this list) but Market Watch. Com with an article dated August 28 lists Sweden as 9 on the worst death rate list. Is it possible that in close to three weeks Sweden improved so well that it fell three places on the list or are these bad numbers?

I typically look at worldometers. They have Sweden at 9 for death per million. US is 10.

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Continuing to respond to Christy Hemphill: truly there are other health effects that are a real concern: there are those who only survive because they go through an ICU and that’s no walk in the park. But if we take infection per population as the broadest measure then Sweden still holds up: Sweden has an infection rate of some 800+ per 100,000 where we have more than twice the rate at over 1,800 per 100,000. Interestingly Britain and Italy with significantly lower infection rates (400+/100,000) have worse death rates so all sorts of factors are clearly playing a role (my source for infection numbers is the New York Times updated August 24th).

Finally I do not shrug my shoulders over 177,000 deaths but I do put things in perspective: that’s 177,000 out of over 5 and 1/2 million infected. How does that compare to say HIV where for decades infection was a death sentence and killed millions. In perspective Sweden is not so bad without the masks.

@glipsnort once pointed out something I have kept in mind, and that is that to meaningfully compare “what is working,” you have to compare outbreaks, not one country’s overall stats to another’s. For each country’s composite numbers, you have multiple outbreaks affecting different demographics, multiple levels of response (local, state, federal), multiple health care situations available. How does a person examine all the variables relevant to the context of an entire country’s response to multiple outbreaks in different conditions and compare them meaningfully to another entire country’s response to multiple outbreaks in different conditions?


To Matthew Pevarnik: I am not saying masks don’t work, I am asking if they’re necessary.

Whatever the good people of Sweden are doing it seems to be working and again how would that be possible if masks are so essential?

Is anyone claiming that Covid-19 is the only virus that can both A) be transmitted by those without symptoms and B) kill someone infected with it?

Unless Covid-19 is unique in that way, then why not wear a mask every day for the rest of one’s life? Every day one might have a virus and not know it. Every day one might cough and/or sneeze and/or spit while talking. And someone could thereby catch that virus and die from it.

If one shows his love of God and of neighbor by wearing a mask every day in the present, why not show love of God and of neighbor by wearing a mask every day for the rest of one’s life?

One thing those questioning masks for COVID-19 fail to take into account is its long-term effects. It is not merely a flu-like respiratory infection that you will make a full recovery from. We don’t know yet how long-lasting they all are, but it does not seem unlikely some are permanent. You know, like losing a leg?

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