What is luck that all our swains commend her?


  • Why did I give this thread such a strange title?
    • Because, when I first tried to entitle it: “What is luck?”, Biologos wouldn’t allow me to do so, because thread titles must be > 14 characters, or was it 15? So I tried to think of something else to add to the basic question and make it longer.
    • “that all our swains commend her” was the best that I could come up with on the spur of the moment. Source: William Shakespeare’s Two Gentlemen from Verona.
      • Who is Silvia? what is she,
        That all our swains commend her?
        Holy, fair, and wise is she;
        The heaven such grace did lend her,
        That she might admirèd be.
        Is she kind as she is fair?
        For beauty lives with kindness.
        Love doth to her eyes repair,
        To help him of his blindness;
        And, being helped, inhabits there.
        Then to Silvia let us sing,
        That Silvia is excelling;
        She excels each mortal thing
        Upon the dull earth dwelling;
        To her let us garlands bring."
  • This thread is an off-shoot of my even less exciting thread “Monergism versus Synergism” [Which I’ve considered entitling: “Monergism versus Synergism (The XXX-rated version)” or “Monergism, Synergism, and Sex”] in the hope of attracting more viewers. One of the things that I learned from posting that thread is that there is either a paucity of Calvinists around here or the few who are here don’t understand what “Total Depravity” implies. Are viewers of that thread following the link to the “Table of Main Christians Concerning Salvation and Grace?” Give it a gander.
  • To idle atheists passing by this thread: I have the distinct impression, from reading Harris’ book Free Will that Harris and other reprobates are unaware that there are some Christians who firmly believe in the principle doctrines of Christianity [e.g. Original Sin; the historical, incarnated, crucified, resurrected, and ascended Jesus] but not in “free will”. IMO, somebody ought to break the news to Richard Dawkins, Samuel Harris, and their ilk. Don’t worry about Christopher Hitchens. He knows, … now. :rofl:
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