What do you guys think about Satan being the eduator of mankind in the early development of tools and metal technologies

TRex was a large and active animal that needed lots of food. When the food disappears, those depending on the food starve.

Crocodiles are mostly inactive predators and can lower their metabolism so that they can survive extended periods without food. Large crocodiles can survive several months without food. Crocodiles can utilize both terrestrial and aquatic prey and carcasses, so they have potentially a wider diet than TRex.

During lean periods, small-sized offspring may survive better than large-sized ones because size correlates with the demand of food. Body size is at least partly a heritable feature. If you have tens or hundreds of generations selection against large-sized individuals, the average size may drop much. To have this kind of long-lasting selection, at least some individuals of each generation needs to survive until they have reproduced and their offspring needs to survive until reproductive age. Apparently crocodiles could survive, TRex not.


Anthropologists and archaeologists have uncovered a progression of tool making technology which requires no more than reasonable inventiveness, building on the existing state of the art. No further explanation is necessary.


Well I donā€™t think it fits well with the notion of evolution. Thatā€™s why. If someoneā€™s subscribes to a young earth theory then itā€™s safe to say he doesnā€™t subscribe to evolution.

A lot of these advancements could be explained by evolution rather than fallen angels teaching us stuff. But I could be wrong

Though that wouldnā€™t account for all of the marine reptile groups except for turtles and some crocodilomorphs going extinct (the really specialized marine crocodilomorphs from the Mesozoic disappeared), along with ammonoids, many planktonic forams, most mollusks, ammonoids, etc.

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@adamjedgar, I think this guy is a charlatan, lining his pockets, while duping people and creating paranoia.

What does Jesus tell us about any of these claims or themes? As a builder, Jesus used tools that relied on metallurgy. He used farming illustrations all the time to tell us about himself and his Fatherā€“good things, blessed things. Farming uses tools like axes, hoes, blades of all kinds. Did he give us any warnings about how to protect ourselves from satanically developed tools? No.

Does any straight-forward, clear part of the Bible support these ideas? No.

If the claims of this charlatan were true, then what?

@adamjedgar , life gives us enough challenges, and yours has given you more than enough in the last few years. Unsubscribe from this guy, and use your time and brain for better things. Enjoy your wife and kids and friends; fellowship with other believers; serve someone; read a really terrific book; go sing loudly while hang gliding.

This guy has nothing to offer you.


None of that would have been relevant. Thereā€™s a passage in an Ugaritic text about how (some of) the gods taught how to forge iron and make weapons, and then how humans turned this knowledge to the making of tools; by Jesusā€™ time no one would remember which came first, or care.

I have to agree. He gets a lot of the scholarship right, but then goes off the deep end. I still canā€™t get over this:

The 1947 Luciferian transfer facilitated an evolutionary jump that saw humanity take gigantic leaps forward.

Actually, considering that bit, this guy has less than nothing to offer!


This article is not theology. It is an escapist fantasy. It is an example of the increasing tendency of people in the USA today to use the Bible as a way of running away from reality. The Bible is susceptible to providing, unfortunately, a real opportunity for this. It is also an example of the way in which the Internet gives a voice to nonsense.

First, with regard to metals. Weapons are not restricted to metals. Wooden spear shafts and flint spearheads can create an awful injury. Technology, whether it be stone or wood or metal, can be used for good as well as bad. There is plenty of metal and technology in the tools we use to save peopleā€™s lives. Micah presents that grand vision of a time when people will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks (Micah 4:3). A bit of metallurgy there! We also have to ask whether there are not times when we need to beat out swords in order to protect the freedom in which people live.

It might be worth considering that Jesusā€™ occupation is described in the original Greek as a ā€œtechtonā€ - Ļ„į½³ĪŗĻ„Ļ‰Ī½ - which might well be translated as a ā€œtechnicianā€. (Mar 6:3 GNT) And there he is, hammering away on those metal nails. But hey, wait. A momentā€™s thought reveals that the author of this article is using the very technology he attributes to Satan to get his so-called message across.

There is a great sense of urgency in the Gospels about the need to get the gospel out. Donā€™t be distracted from this by this codswallop.


Thatā€™s my point as well. None of the stuff @adamjedgar was plagued with in this guys newletter is relevant.

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Interestingā€¦but controversialā€¦great information until we got to Satan letting one of his ships crash in Roswell in 1947ā€¦

I looked up this personā€™s church and read his little autobiography. Interesting question on his church promotion: ā€œDonā€™t just be a Wal-Mart shopper, be brave and come toā€¦ā€ then the name of his church.

So whatā€™s wrong with Wal-Mart?

He seems to like the Book of Enoch, which, I think, as an apocryphal curiosityā€“could easily be found in a sale bin somewhere. The details about Jesus teaming up with a group of 200 fallen angels led by one Semyaz ā€” in order to create human beings is speculative, like the stuff about that ship. This collaboration was, of course, before these creatures ā€œfellā€ ā€”but that piece of information also assumes that we know timing of events ā€“ which we do not really.

All we have is ā€œin the beginning God created the heavens and the earthā€¦ā€ the details are not givenā€¦ Isnā€™t there also a theory that these angels resented the possibility that humankind was competition?

He then goes into religious history of the Olympic Games which is another topic.

The book of Enoch was written late and not by Enoch. It may have puzzled ancient Hebrew theologiansā€¦and churches also never picked up on it because of questions of authorship plus some issues with theologyā€¦see below from tuko.com

The Jewish community, before Christ, were aware of the Book of Enoch and did not accept it since it didnā€™t meet the standards of being considered an inspired scripture. On the other hand, Christians have rejected it. Read more: Why stay away from the Book of Enoch? Reason Christians reject it - Tuko.co.ke

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Nicely put.

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Based on current archaeological evidence, the peoples who inhabited the continents of North America and South America didnā€™t develop advanced metallurgy skills with iron. They were adept with the softer metals such as gold and silver, but the steps involved in turning iron ore into usable metal didnā€™t seem to be of interest to them. The lack of iron and steel didnā€™t stop them from building vast cities out of stone, though.(They were brilliant in their understanding of the properties of stone.) It also didnā€™t stop them from engaging in brutal warfare with their neighbours.

So I think we can rest easy knowing that the technologies of metal are a natural part of humanityā€™s ongoing quest to understand Creation ā€“ sometimes with helpful results, sometimes with harmful results.


I got to thinking about this and did some review, and I concluded that the question isnā€™t really relevant for a simple reason: all the activity of rebellious elohim teaching people metallurgy (to incite war) and cosmetics (to incite lust) and other items is described as pre-Flood and given that the culture(s) these were taught to were the very ones that were wiped out, the point is moot: after the Flood those elohim had been rounded up and chained away in darkness to await judgmentā€“

For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into Tartarus and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment;

so everything they had taught humans was lost to humans.

So the very material that tells us that rebel elohim taught things to humans to incite sin also tells us that nothing the taught was preserved.


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