“natural selection is merely a product of the prevailing ideology of Dawkins”
I agree with Peter, as Paul was sometimes wont to say. NS isn’t just a Dawkinsian machination. Dawkins’ most prized ideology was memetics, which is now (thankfully!) removed from him via the meaning of “viral media = meme”. Dawkins lost his “memes” and his ideology of “memetics” failed. Of course, “memetics” isn’t the only ideology Dawkins has held or holds, right Peter?
“Natural selection is so completely and comprehensively supported by mountains of evidence, that you also have to show that all of that is wrong.”
Yes, with the obvious caveat that NS isn’t a “universalist” theory or even a universal “fact”. There are thus indeed entities, things, aspects (whatever you choose to call them) of existence that are not “naturally selected” or “selected by nature” (a “natural process of selection”, as Patrick Matthew stated in 1831). Do you disagree with that?
There is a limit, of course, to “natural selection” thinking (cf. “selectionism”), and sometimes, certain persons among natural scientists or commentators on natural science, have unfortunately, while oftentimes intentionally, “exceeded their grasp” by using terms within the British-first “evolutionary” tradition (Malthus, Darwin, Spencer, Huxley, Wallace, et al.) outside “natural science” proper. Making this distinction clearer from the side of biologists, which Roger is not, would likely go some distance to assuage Roger’s deep and heavy personal non-scientist doubts about natural science and “evolution” today.
“It is so easy to just throw words around like ‘ideology’ to discredit your enemies but this is a diversion allowing you to attack the man and not play the ball.”
Yes, this is well-stated. Roger too often speaks in vague generalities, about Dawkins, “natural selection” and Darwin. He does not appear to be trained in philosophy, other than as autodidact.
I wish to humbly submit that my meaning and understanding of “ideology” appear to be categorically distinct, and clearly distinguishable from Roger’s. I would submit that Roger seems quite confused about ideology as demonstrated in lack of clarity, and seems totally unqualified to speak about ideology as a “professional voice” in the science, philosophy, theology discourse in N. America. Thus, he’s sitting on the bench regarding “ideology”, even while getting some “sentiments” right in worrying about the current dangers of neo-Malthusianism and (though I don’t recall if he’s mentioned it) neo-Hobbsean thinking.
This is where the pushback comes, with more scholarly rigour than Roger’s, Peter. It doesn’t appear that you’re “up-to-speed” on contemporary understandings of “ideology” either, at least, not outside of a rather minor post-Marxist “Frank Farted” bubble. This isn’t going to get the job done either.
“My point about ideology here is that it is your belief about Dawkins and others being ideologically driven to their conclusions that is itself an ideology, because you have no evidence whatsoever that this is their thinking.”
Roger is ideologically driven, Peter. I agree with you. The thing is, Peter, and this might make you pause over your porridge this morning (or evening), you are ideologically-driven also. Yes, you are. So am I. So are we all. Why? Because people can’t escape from ideology no matter how hard they try, as long as you and I and everyone around us is functioning in the realm of “ideas”. Ideology, in it’s simplest meaning, is about the “logic of ideas”. Linguistically and personally, it simply isn’t possible to avoid ideology in one’s life.
Who do you think are the “types” of people who try to avoid this feature of themselves the most? Who between the natural scientists and the social scientists (comparably sizes of students in the contemporary academy) is more likely to be aware of and/or “in tune with” their own ideologies?
“being accused of ideology and not basing your work on evidence is not just offensive but absurd.”
In regard to not basing work on evidence, of course we are agreed that is amateur and weak. It isn’t a “credible witness” to God’s creation to operate continually refusing or failing to provide evidence, and think that is sufficient to “persuade” people in science, philosophy, theology discourse. Roger doesn’t seem to recognise this weakness in his position or approach, daily and repeatedly.
About Dawkins though, Peter, it seems you might have popped out the other side of credibility. Are you actually defending and framing him as being entirely “non-ideological”, and “just a natural scientist”? Really!? What haven’t you read by that man that’s not dripping with ideological grease, rhetorical muster and rationalistic bluster? He’s an “enemy of faith, emotion & intuition” (contrast with his televised “enemies of reason” series), which to some people does translate as a kind of a “rationalist” monster. And of course he’s quite pathetic (as an egoist among his peers), almost totally ignorant in the fields of philosophy and theology, the latter which he mocks. Is that a kind of “good writer” and “clear thinker” who you would look up to as supposedly “non-ideological”? As for me, there are other role models I prefer far ahead of Dawkins (which it wastes breath to talk about him, unlike Roger does).
Let’s be clear and open here, if possible. It is likely that you would only suggest he’s “non-ideological” (if that’s what you’re suggesting), Peter, if indeed you share certain ideologies with him. Likely one is either agnosticism (scale of 7?) or atheism. Are either of these ideologies you hold about the world, and whatever may come after it, Peter? I don’t mind if you don’t say which one, but openly admit I’d like to know either/or or otherwise, if you don’t mind sharing it here.
As shared above, we should remember that, “All words, in every language, are metaphors.” The linguistic turn impacts “us”. This takes time to sink in. “The user is the content”. What do you really think this is about, Peter? Just natural science alone? Naturalism by itself? Or science & faith? Or science, philosophy, theology discourse? Or (re)turning to God … for the first time?
Once you take ownership of being ideologically driven yourself, Peter, that’s when the real conversation can begin between us. Atheism, theism, realism, anti-realism, naturalism, idealism, materialism, rationalism, symbolism, scientism, etc. etc. Until then, you appear content to hold your own high ground and let not anyone slip it out from under your own feet, not even your own Creator.
“Surely God is greater than that?”
Yes to your question, Peter, Amen.