Here at least we have considerable agreement. But the same can be said of other attempts to adapt other aspects of science to theology. They typically go too far. In looking for reconciling theology to science, they often rewrite the Bible and theology with the science, and there really is no good reason to do such a thing. All we really need is compatibility and the Bible is sparse enough on many topics to make that quite possible.
To be sure a few adjustments are needed usually only eliminating certain theological branches which are already explored, and it is often surprising that these are areas where the theological traditions have strayed rather far from scripture anyway. And whether some self-important denominations indulging authoritarian babble throw around the word heresy is of no concern to me. If it contradicts the minimal defining creed of Nicea 325 AD, then we ought consider if we are not moving off into a completely different religion, but that is all.
So for example, one of the things which is essential for compatibility with evolution is the understanding that physical death is 100% natural, always a part of the world, and not a result of sin or the separation from God. Resurrection is as Paul explains in 1 Cor 15 a physical/bodily resurrection to a supernatural/spiritual body not to natural/physical body. (notice the employment of two different definition of the word “physical,” one agreed to by Paul and one rejected by Paul) This is a theological problem I have encountered in both Protestant and Catholic denominations and I certainly do not care if either prop up such nonsense by throwing the word heresy around since the Bible is quite clearly on my side with this one – not just with Paul’s explanation but throughout the whole Bible where we see a constant reference to two different types of life and death.
Another one is the watchmaker intelligent design notion of God which is frankly more a derivative of deism than Christianity for you certainly do not find such a notion of God anywhere in the Bible. Modern science gives us plenty of reason to discard the deist attempts at reconciliation and go back to the theist understanding of a God who is intimately involved in our lives – going back the Biblical portrayal of God as a shepherd.