What biblical reasons are there to accept the scientific view of the earth as billions of years old?


While I appreciated your interest in continuing the discussion we were having (written here and here, respectively), I felt no inclination to continue - even though @Christy had assured me that I had not worn out my welcome at BioLogos. However, this morning it occurred to me how we might have a productive continuation going forward.

The first step is the step I have already taken: that is, for me to cease posting to this thread or any of the other threads I have started at BioLogos. The next step is to launch a new thread and to confine all my posting to that thread only. Since the current state of our discussion here has been focused on the assumptions behind my view, that is where that thread will focus. This means a change in tack for me.

In this thread, I have been asking for biblical solutions to a biblical problem I face. I think this has yielded all the proposals that it’s going to yield…and, going on this long, has resulted in frustration for some because I have not yet accepted any of the proposals offered. In the new thread, the focus will be on my view and on the assumptions that underlie it. I will defend (explain) my views. I am not looking for a debate; rather, I’m looking for an exchange of views. If it turns out that I learn about assumptions that are more well-grounded than my own, then I gain helpful information. But in no case am I trying to convince you of anything; rather, I’m trying to convince myself of something - one way or the other.

The new thread is called: Examining the Assumptions of Mosaic Creationism vis-a-vis the Assumptions of Evolutionary Creationism

Since I will no longer be seeking biblical solutions from any of you to solve the problem I was describing, there’s no need for anyone to become frustrated because I haven’t accepted his or her solution. And although I have no way to control it, I would appreciate it if anyone who thinks that I’m operating in bad faith here at BioLogos he would refrain from participating. It only poisons the well of communication.

I am not calling for help or participation on this new thread. I’m only making myself available to anyone - like @Bill_II or @Chris_Falter - who might have a continuing interest in the discussion. And even if the two of them change their minds and lose interest, that’s ok, too.

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