Were ancient hominin species made in the image of God, did they have souls and how does that affect interbreeding with humans?

Indeed, this is the problem with the simplistic magical treatment of things in most of religion, theology, and philsophy. We talk about intelligence, consciousness, and morality as if these were singular things. But that is just an artifact of language. The more we examine such things closely, the more we see that these are a rather complex constellation of many different abilities. And many of those are shared by different animals.

We are also confronting this with the advance of AI and computers where they can do most of things we associate with intelligence and reasoning so much better than we can, beating us all at our hardest strategy games. I remember the old saw about computers… “they just run programs.” But with computers beating as all strategy, it is becoming clear that much of what we have been calling intelligence is really just an ability to follow a set of rules systematically. And that is really rather fundamental – something which even elementary particles can do.

Now I think that is a good reason for rethinking the traditional theological ways we have been trying to set humans apart from animals, and made in the image of God as if the most important thing about God and human beings is their intelligence.