Not exactly. Things generally have more than one cause… many things contributing to the outcome. But in the case of these events we are talking about, the causes are insufficient to determine the outcome. And it is not just that there are causes which are unobservable but we have proven they don’t even exist within the accepted premises of the scientific worldview. So either some things are simply without causes sufficient to determine them or some of the causes are outside those premises. Or to be more thorough about it, there are 5 possibilities.
- A few physicists like David Bohm simple toss the accepted premises of scientific worldview and try to construct an explanation for causes of those events outside them. These are the stubborn physical determinists.
- Determinism is discarded and we accept that there is an irreducible random element in the events of the universe.
- There are causes of these events from outside the observable physical universe.
- Some combination of 2 and 3 with both some things undetermined and an open door for causality from outside the physical universe. I prefer this possibility.
- I suppose we can (reluctantly) also include some other combination of 1, 2, and 3. Since there are 3 other possible combinations (1 and 2, 1 and 3, 1 and 2 and 3), I suppose you can count this as a total of 7 possibilities. But most simply reject Bohm’s idea as nonsense to reaffirm the premises of the scientific worldview – notice all three of these combinations include 1,
It is possible. We simply do not know.