Understand the Gospels and inerrancy

Extreme speculation. If he was Paul’s follower, being a good writer, he’d have interviewed everyone he could.

I would hope not. Although there might be some discussion about how black and white a lie or truth might be.
I think the idea that each Gospel had a specific audience in mind has already been covered. I am a little intruiges as to why Luke is getting such attention. He was supposedly a traveller with Paul but we are not a party to his earlier experences. His intent to give an orderly account should be enough to go on.
Suffice it to say, there are some parts of the faith that we really need to accept as true, the virgin birth, death and resurrection of Christ to name three.


Way to quote out of context! The reader should not have to go back and see if that is really the intent of what he said.

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He’s just continuing a game xd. We’ve done it to each other’s a few time. Plus if you click on the arrows on the side it shows the whole statement.

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