To the Atheists who Join our Discussions

Not everyone, but the most famous of the current batch does. In the preface of “The God Delusion” Sir Richard Dawkins states his hope that everyone who believes in God and picks up his book becomes an atheist before he/she puts it down. Yes, there are evangelical atheists.
Al Leo

Eddie, it’s long past time to move on. Please drop the subject.

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I suppose you are correct, Humeandroid, in that this Forum is not the place to bare one’s psyche. But still I cannot help but wonder about the (sometimes) subtle forces that nudge one into the path of life one finally ends up in. From what I can perceive (with woefully sparse evidence) my early life had much in common with both @Patrick and with Richard Dawkins. I am certain I questioned Scriptural innerrancy and the infallibility of church dogma to the same extent they did. Why did I remain a Believer and they (and you) did not? For a time, I clung to a Faith more to please my mother than for any other reason. But not now. My Faith stands strongly on its own. Perhaps it is because I have had some unique experiences in my lifetime–experiences that certainly do not meet the ‘proof’ that I as a scientist would demand. Nonetheless, these experiences have left me with a distinct feeling that I have a non-material Friend who fits the description of the loving God of Christianity.

So, just as you consider yourself an atheist, but are uncomfortable being ‘pigeonholed’ with others given that label, I consider myself a Christian, even though I must seen like a heathen to some of the more staid evangelical Christians who founded and support BioLogos.

It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance through these posts, @Humeandroid, and I wish you all the best in life.
Al Leo

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All of this bickering to any good purpose? Everyone of course should be kind and gracious especially in response to rude people. I’m guessing the web hosts will be kind and gracious while showing them the door. Regardless of their views on religion.

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I’m with you completely!!!

I must be missing those threads. I’ve not noticed a large percentage of threads here where any atheist comments are apparent.

Moreover, an Internet forum is not like a microphone on a stage. Participants can ignore or engage as they see fit. So if you find an atheist’s posts distracting or pointless, ignore them. (And if you find a theist’s posts distracting or pointless, ignore them.)

Frankly, I’ve noticed no clear pattern of atheists being any more distracting, misleading, uninformed, or driven by an annoying agenda than anybody else. (But perhaps I’ve been reading unrepresentative threads.) And some of them have demonstrated a far stronger grasp of science than those of us who may disagree with them theologically. (In fact, when it comes to illustrating the Kruger-Dunning Effect, the contrasts are often quite stark.)

I would recommend more engagement with ideas and less labelling people and complaining about them.

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It may be because they are posting fewer “distracting” posts … I would not use any of the other adjectives for the participating Atheists.

I agree with what you say. And yes, they do bring some good science to the table. I miss Lou Jost quite a bit.

It has been very interesting to see how various people react to the participation of atheists. I’ve always been fascinated by how various organizations/ministries/individuals limit diverse participation on their websites. For example, Young Earth Creationist websites are known for their strict censorship of comments and for how little it takes to get permanently banned from the website. In contrast, I’ve never seen it be much of an issue on Old Earth Creationist websites. Why is that?

I guess that is a question for its own thread, although I’ve already seen it explored extensively elsewhere, so I won’t be posting it.

I must agree that this is a Christian Forum. It’s statement of faith is also Trinitarian. Others are welcome to express views within limits; however, this is a Christian Forum. It certainly is not atheistic.

I know you mean well; however, it is still a Christian Forum. Remember its statement of faith.

I do not think you and Al are bad people.

I doubt that anyone here has forgotten that Biologos has Christian roots!

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It does seem that everyone must be reminded of this. If not, why does this useless subject keep appearing. This is not the first time. I am sure that you know that. Also, I wish to restate that is it not true that I can say this? I am polite to you; therefore, you should be to me. Why does this subject keep reappearing? Also, the Forum just not about Christian roots. That implies that it is not Christian now. It has become something else. I also feel that this conversation should come to an end.

I agree. I am surprised that you are implying that anyone has stated otherwise.

Perhaps we have had some interaction which I’ve forgotten. Your statement baffles me.

I appreciate that atheists are welcomed here. (For the record, I’m a born-again evangelical theist.) I’ve seen them contribute important information. Yes, that can sometimes embarrass those who were previously unaware of that information. But that happens regularly on forums, regardless of what labels are applied to the participants. That’s all I have left to say on the topic.

Again, I feel this topic should come to an end. It is a complete waste of time. I am happy that you are “born from above.” I have done this sermon in a United Methodist Church many times. That is what Jesus really said to Nicodemus. All Christians must be born from above to be saved. That includes Roman Catholics too. I will repeat this again: let the issue die.

Charles E. Miller, MAR, Liberty University School of Divinity