To Capitalize or Not to Capitalize? ID Theory vs. BioLogos

Good point. I am an ‘IDist’ in that I believe in intelligent design since I believe in the sovereign intelligent Creator, and that his providential interventions are theologically implicit in evolution, but not that they can be scientifically proven any more than his providential interventions into the lives of his children can be scientifically proven, even though they are implicitly obvious to us (à la Maggie). But we have to put scare quotes around ‘id’ to distinguish it from ID (and Freud :slightly_smiling_face:), at least the way I use it, because the latter denotes intelligent design theory, which sees itself as scientific, or potentially so. I also tend to capitalize Intelligent Design when I am talking about the supposed theorisms of the DI, and not the intelligent design that is theologically implicit in creation.