Thoughts on Deistic Evolution

And in my experience from a number of years of observations at a university, the results of YEC efforts is to drive people away from Christ. Students don’t just react with “Bonkers”, they ask, “You think I’m stupid?” and stop listening. It also drives Christians to abandon their faith.

A “tough sale” indeed.

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There is much I need to do, and have little enough time to get it done.

I can see that continuing this is pointless and may be harmful to those in the valley of decision.

Thus I bid you all farewell.

God bless,

The amazing thing about God is that He makes sure you know that He is in charge.
I just opened an email from my daughter and it had a link that I clicked on and the result is as follows.

Interestingly this is only the second time I have read anything from Ken Ham in decades

Ken Ham

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Part 1 of 2

There is one thing I really dislike about being in the Answers in Genesis ministry!

What I hate about it is something every Bible-believing Christian should also hate. You see, I hate it when we have to publicly oppose, debate, and challenge sincere Christians who, while they believe the gospel (and would even say they believe in biblical inerrancy), compromise God’s Word in Genesis.

That is what I’m most saddened and stressed about. And all Christians should be saddened by this as Genesis 1–11 is the foundation for everything, for all doctrine, for our Christian worldview, and for the gospel.

I hate it when the world sees this contention among believers. But at the same time, it’s very important for Christians and non-Christians to see us boldly, uncompromisingly, and unashamedly stand on the authority of God’s Word from the very first verse.

As I’ve stated many times and as we have documented with research published in various books, compromise on Genesis (particularly with Christians who add millions of years into the Bible) has had a devastating impact on how this generation views the Bible. And sadly, this compromise has been a major factor as to why so many people are leaving the church and are now secularized in their thinking.

There’s been a catastrophic generational loss in the Western church.

It must be perplexing to many people that Christians with a heart for the gospel, who say they believe in inerrancy, battle each other over their views on Genesis. But it’s our contention that compromising Christians (as I call them) have an inconsistent approach to Scripture that unlocks a door to undermine biblical authority in Genesis—and puts people on a slippery slope toward doubt and unbelief through the rest of Scripture.

Such compromising Christians are trusting man’s word over God’s Word in Genesis. They are doing what I call eisegesis not exegesis. That’s the bottom line. It’s an authority issue.

We plead with Christian leaders to apply a consistent hermeneutic to Scripture and reject compromise that undermines the authority of the Word, which has such a negative impact on the people they influence.


Yes, it would be so much easier if Ham could lie without the pesky challenges.

Ken Ham is part of the “compromise” in the church that started with the churches response to Galileo, with Cardinal Bellarmine opposing heliocentrism on scriptural ground.

if Your Paternity wants to read not only the Holy Fathers, but also the modern commentaries on Genesis, the Psalms, Ecclesiastes, and Joshua, you will find all agreeing in the literal interpretation that the sun is in heaven and turns around the earth with great speed, and that the earth is very far from heaven and sits motionless at the center of the world.

I would be quite happy to wake up one day to find myself on a flat earth, covered with a hard dome and no distant galaxies, where no minerals included isotope ratios beyond 6,000 years of age, no fossils of dinosaurs or trilobites existed, no Neanderthal remains, human genetics consistent with modern descent from one family, and no geological record of continuity stretching back millions of years. But that is not reality, and the actual facts of the world are not the responsibility of Christians that Ken Ham considers beneath him.


I think this makes an important point–


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No, Jesus is. Genesis 1 - 11 is part of His introduction.

That reasoning only works if you ignore the fact that the Bible is not actually a book but is a library of distinct books with different authors and content, different literary styles, and a worldview that is alien to the modern scientific-materialist one that we all were imbued with growing up. That Ham cannot recognize that he is forcing a MSWV onto the scripture shows that he is at best a shallow thinker.

I recommend the book The Heresy of Ham by Joel Edmund Anderson for a fuller commentary on the man.

Without people around who can think for themselves!

More precisely, with the response to Copernicus. That didn’t result in a controversy since Nikolaus was content to say, “Hey, it’s just math”, but it got the hierarchy alert for challenges that weren’t actually against scripture but against Aristotle and his cohort, specifically Ptolemy.


Just in case later readers are curious . . .

That type of sequencing is doable now. It’s called “de novo assembly” and it doesn’t use a reference to reconstruct the whole genome sequence. The newer Nanopore/PacBio technology allows for much longer reads and high throughput which helps with the reconstruction.


Now if someone would only give enough funding to people who work on invertebrates to do this…

Then I might be aware of it already.

This appears to be another example:


Nice! I’m a bit behind on what current techniques are like.

I’m sorry, but millions of years is a fact. It simply isn’t honest to claim otherwise.

There is a word for people who denounce facts as “compromise.” The word in question is “cult.”


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