Theology questions Adam wants ECs to answer

i would suggest that the only reason why you would make such a claim is because you have not yet made the connections in your various theological beliefs between one passage of scripture and any others related to it. That is is actually typical of the opposite of my world view. I regularly cross link my theology, but because you dont read more than 1 or two lines, you miss all of that unfortunately. I cannot help it if you do not read the entire post and check the references to see if they are valid or not.

May i suggest that in future, when someone gives you linked bible references backing up their claims, you check your own bible concordance (or your bible margin) to see if these are valid references. If you refuse to do this, then you cannot make the claim what you are reading is rambling. That is a statement from lazyness.

btw if you are calling the following question rambling…???

if the death God warned Adam and Eve about is just spritual, why did Christ experience physical suffering, physical torture, and die physically on the cross for the wages of sin (Romans 6:23), and why is the redemption of mankind back to God at the Second coming a physical event?

i would ask for a relevant answer instead of just avoiding the question by calling me a rambler!

Unless you guys can theologically answer that question in a manner that supports your world view, we are stuck. You must answer the question theologically before we can move forward onto other things. You are supposed to be convincing me why i am wrong. we do not defend our back yards from theives because rocks are a million years old…we defend our turf because stealing is a crime against morality (the 10 commandments). It is a bull$%^* argument to claim that morality is second to science in your world view…that is a complete lie!