The YEC enterprise and grooming conspiracy theorists

I am on a creationist facebook page to satisfy a masochistic streak in me, I guess. While my contributions are usually just comments to correct factual mistakes like, no, carbon dating is not used to date dinosaur bones, it is interesting and scary to read the comments. There are a lot of people who sincerely believe the false statements like the one quoted by @Scott_Garrison above, and believe there is no evidence of an old earth, and it is all a big conspiracy.


Oh, dear, @jpm …we’ve gotta get you some new hobbies.


Ha! :grin:  

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Theology questions Adam wants ECs to answer

My understanding is that Erhman didnt leave chrisitanity because scientific conflict, he left because of his innability to reconcile philosophical dilemmas in life with the bible.

The point is, Bart became an atheist because of unbelief. When we lose the ability to accept that Satan has the power to do great harm in this world, we also lose sight of God. In this life we have two opposing forces pulling the strings.

That belittles God. “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands.”

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“I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”
Matthew 16:18

I remember reading (I actually do, some – reading and remembering ; - )… reading somewhere that meant that the church is advancing and “the gates of hell” were on the defensive. (Greek scholars, please correct me if otherwise.)

He left because his upbringing taught him that the scriptures are entirely free of errors of any kind, so when he realized that this claim is false, he logically concluded that the scriptures can’t be trusted.

Nonsense. Satan only has the power God specifically allows.
And it’s entirely possible to believe in God without believing there’s a devil.

That’s dualism.

Satan is not an “opposing force” to God, he’s a finite creature trying to oppose God. Satan is in the same position that Pilate was: he only has the power God gives him and can only use that power when God grants permission.

The big point is that he did so because that’s what YEC taught him to do.


A very good argument can be made for that, though after straining my brain most of the day dealing with some construction issues involved in landscaping (for example, the framing for the front porch is not square to the house) I’m not even going to try to say anything about it other than to note that gates are structures that stay put, the don’t get carried around for offensive maneuvers.


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