The YEC enterprise and grooming conspiracy theorists

Yes they do…but that doesnt mean that the referencing used to support their theology is biblical sound.

For example…why does the catholic church worship sunday and not saturday? Almost all christian churches have followed suit and do so against the moral law instituted at creation (thousands of years before moses). The first sacrifice was immediately after the fall. Indeed cain killed able because his offering was rejected!.

Do you not find it strange offerings are not mentioned in the bible at any time whilst Adam and Eve were in the garden of eden?
That should raise an eyebrow for TEism but they dont see the obvious problem that creates for their entire world view. Death in sacrifice did not exist prior to sin.

The 4th commandment specificallys says…remember the sabbath day to keep it holy, for in 6 days the lord created the heaven and the earth but on the seventh day and rested. He sanctified and hallowed the sabbath.

This rubbish about the new covenant…the bible clearly says even Abraham was saved by faith…exactly the same way we are saved… faith in the righteousness of christ…the post christ salvation is no different to the abrahamic and mosaic one.

So the theolgy that sunday worship is a new covenant that replaced the old one is utter nonesense and yet…here we are.

Lots of individuals read into the bible but they rarely let the bible interpret itself…that is the problem.

Again, my arguments above present the philosophical problems individuals face if they choose the scientific method as authoritative above the bible.

At the end of the day what is more important, salvation or science?

Given Christ said its easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to give up his wealth…