The YEC enterprise and grooming conspiracy theorists

[EDIT i am self critising my statement about you not caring …its a bad one…i apologise, withdraw that and have removed it)

Perhaps this is why fundamentally TEists and YEC dissagree. You do not care for Bible theology over that of observational science. I worry taht in doing so is that you have this hope that science will save you. Those who refuse secular science, because its the mainstream view (the thunder and lightning), are listening to a still small voice and being led astray. I do not think that is biblical…the bible says differently i think.

We will not find any salvation in Science…that is a fools errand. One can try to make this my fault…“Adam a YEC who is corrupting the world into sin”, but it isnt my aim.

My Grandfather years ago always used to say, “if there was a God, bad things wouldnt happen. The fact that bad things do happen means there cannot be a God”. Bart Erhman makes the same claim.

So, when science cannot help suffering and death, who is at fault then? Why is it almost impossible for TE scientists to believe that Satan has more knowledge than we do, and can physically interract with and manipulate our reality? I also would like to add a caveat here…i recongnise that God has ensured a snippet of truth remains visible…i believe that because of the still small voice at the mouth of the cave that drew Elijah out of it after he didnt find God in the lighning, thunder, howling wind, or earthquake.

Read the first chapter of Job…Satan clearly does have both massive amounts of knowledge (more than we do only God knows more) and physical power…even to bring lightning down from heaven!

Christy you really need to explain biblically how it is that you do not believe Satan can do those things…i am genuinely interested in understanding your theology on this.