The struggle of leaving Young Earth Creationism and a plea to Biologos

They do need to protect their bubble. Protecting their bible has become a vast endeavour these days as the burden of proof for the YEC position is getting harder and harder to maintain. I am sure of one thing though. these YECs are sincere people, as sincere as you and me though they might be blinded from the truth of science. for that I apply that beautiful principle: In Essentials Unity, in Non-Essentials Libery, In All Things Charity.


Agree totally with you. Not sure if you heard something in similar lines echoing throughout the academic world : if you want to use your brain, go to university; if you go to church, you don’t need to use your brain… faith is all you need.
The academic world is looking at the church going people as brainless faith and in some way, I hate to say that they might be correct. So, unless our brother in YECs camp start using their brain, we can just pray for them and accept them as they are.


Great principle, but so hard to do, not only for them but for me at times. I was at a denominational meeting yesterday, and in one of the workshops, the speaker said something to the effect that you could believe in evolution and be Christian, but was emphatic that he did not believe in evolution, and implied that these types of Christians were saved in spite of their false beliefs, not that their positions were consistent with orthodox evangelical teaching. Didn’t really leave me feeling warm and fuzzy.
And, I have to admit that I have been guilty of similar put-downs from this side of things.


It probably helps to remember that many a person who you hear saying such things was probably, not too long ago, banging on the “You can’t believe in evolution and be a Christian” drum. So for them to even be giving the concession that they are might be progress for them. Most of us don’t make leaps between largely different positions without some resting points in between.

But yeah - I’m guilty of it too. It probably also helps to replace “us” and “them” with “we” as many times as we can bring ourselves to do it.


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