The Science in Harari's "Sapiens"

Those were really great resources. I’ve clearly got some learning ahead of me on how one goes about “staying on topic” on a forum thread, let alone a forum that’s as big and hairy as this.

The TedX talk is great. It’s talking about much of what I was thinking about. Her discussion on how making tools, perhaps represents past/present/future thought is just great. It’s exactly the kind of thing I was wondering about. To have that kind of capacity, kind of implies albeit difficult to prove with certainty - that an awareness of something else, something other, something future, something more, something to be prepared for had already emerged. It’s a shame this idea alone gets buried (again, no pun intended) so deeply by our culture. It’s really quite profound.

I enjoyed your article also. I had to re-read a few sections to let it sink in. But the idea of a childhood of innocence of our evolutionary process, and an adolescence where we began to challenge or be aware of our morality is strong. I think I need to marinate on that for a while to get my head straight, and to figure out a good forum topic/question that can get others involved… So many interesting thoughts to explore and learn on that.

Great talking also and catch you on the next thread! Nice to meet you Jay!

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Nice to meet you too!

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