Thanks for explaining. So, that hasn’t changed. Just wasn’t clear to me.
I am still wondering about that first resurrection, though, and how that fits in, what purpose you see for it. To provide the needed warrant? Maybe that’s obvious to you. I have other thinking present as well and am not able to set it aside entirely.
Questions, questions……
What is the nature of the one or One resurrected and how does that fit? I think actually an entirely divine person simplifies the first resurrection (and maybe heaven)quite a bit. But how that fits with anything else?
Heaven/s and starting points? Hugely challenging.
Thinking back (half awake, at the kitchen counter with the tablet (desktop is downstairs with the cat who seems to be sleeping now)) to the article from (poor) memory Whatsizname talked about (if I remember rightly) humanity being taken into God. Precisely what this means I don’t know, but it might help figure out the question of when Earth’s (or any other world’s) heaven. What exactly does it mean to “be in God” after all?
Questions, questions…
I understand that figuring this out is important to you. I wish I had something that resembled answers or even better questions.