Cringe indeed… Typical god of the gaps response. Evidence rules something out so you move your dogmas to where there currently is not enough evidence. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Hopeless.
A single couple being the sole genetic source of the human race not only contradicts the scientific evidence but doesn’t even agree with the Biblical evidence. Frankly this is no more sensible than the rest of the Walt Disney interpretation of Genesis with magical fruit, talking snake and golems of dust and flesh animated by necromancy.
What I don’t like is the non-Biblical purely modern obsession with genetics and its racist implications. What I categorically deny is that our humanity, the image of God, or our relation ship with God is to be found anywhere whatsoever in genetics.
This is the advantage of understanding the mind as a whole other physical living organism in a different medium with a different inheritance. All God had to do was communicate with any couple in any time frame giving them the memetic inheritance that is the foundation of the human mind, our humanity, and by that inheritance making us the literal children of God. That memetic inheritance can then pass to the rest of the species via human communication without any genetic relationship at all.
I will go with some evidence of a flood rather than no evidence of a flood and definitely over jumping to gaps in the evidence so you can make up whatever fanciful things you like to stuff into those gaps.
I followed the link looking for some evidence of a flood anywhere in any time frame but rapidly lost interest in what was there. That stuff was science fiction and fantasy and not very good at that – if I want SF&F, I will stick to the ones I have already.